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Hallowe’en UKAPS Meeting

I reckon me and Alison have a good chance of making this, Dan. I`ll have a word with you nearer the time about where you recommend we can stop over night. :thumbup:

Cheers caroline, I`ll bear that place in mind.

Happy days Dave! I'll get the red out for ya, mind you, I bet you'll be on best behaviour with the missis there!
Dan Crawford said:
........ I bet you'll be on best behaviour with the missis there!

WHAT!!! That crystal meth fuelled Harpie is far worse than me. :lol:

I intend to get mildly trousered on this occasion. 😉

So, the date is drawing ever closer....

Does anyone have any dietary requirements - vegetarian, vegan etc? Shout if you do, we don't want anyone going hungry (although you may decide that going hungry is preferable to my cooking - although it is Halloween, so being horrified is all part of the experience!)

Looking forward to seeing the people I've already met and to meeting some new faces 😀
Dan Crawford said:
Themuleous said:
my heavily pregnant wife!
DUDE! Kept that one quiet! Congratulations to you both :clap:

Cheers Dan 🙂 I did tell you when I visited last time, but you were well past your sell by date then so its no surprise you dont remember!


PS - do you want me to bring anything - food or otherwise? I'll bring some alchimihole anyway 😉
Congratualtions, Sam and Biz. :clap:

This is going to be very adjacent to my house move, but will still give it my all to be there and make sure the red wine doesn`t have a chance to go off. My 240l should have been taken down by then, so I may have some plants to bring along, all being well.

Themuleous said:
I did tell you when I visited last time, but you were well past your sell by date then so its no surprise you dont remember!
Ha ha, brilliant!

Themuleous said:
do you want me to bring anything - food or otherwise? I'll bring some alchimihole anyway 😉
I don't think you'll need to bother with the food, by the sounds of it, CeeBee is gonna be doing more than enough for the entire UKaps population LOL

Dave Spencer said:
This is going to be very adjacent to my house move, but will still give it my all to be there and make sure the red wine doesn`t have a chance to go off. My 240l should have been taken down by then, so I may have some plants to bring along, all being well.

It'd be great to see you both, well, your better half anyway :lol: but we all know the score, you can't do everything.
Won't be able to make this but I want to see some photos 😉
If anyone is sober enough to take some lol
I am about to invest in some pretty spooky clobber. Is everybody else going to dress up, as I don`t want to look a clown all on my lonesome?

weve all done it :lol:

dont worry just look at them hard enough and they will be the ones that feel self consious :lol: