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Hagen Fluval Flex Aquarium 34 Litre, hood light quick hack!

G H Nelson

Moderator/Committee Member
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Hi Team
As we all know the lighting unit in the hood is not up too much.
In my case, I think the one in my hood is nearing its end of life as the Blue LED will not switch off sometimes.
I've started rescaping this aquarium "more on that later"...therefore this was an ideal time to fit a new light unit.
I was toying with the idea of a Chihiros light unit but apparently, it gets very hot.

The basic items required a small drill, a small screwdriver, a hacksaw, and pliers.
Twinstar 30B 2 light unit.
One Acrylic Finger Door Push Plate.
Screws and nuts.
M4 12mm
Amazon product ASIN B006C65ZCO
1: Cut two notches for the plate to fit under the hood, Use a small hacksaw and pliers to break the notched pieces off the plate.

2: Use the Finger Plate as a template to mark the holes on the hood.
It's not central but it is good enough.
3: Drill holes....and silicone the plate onto the light unit.....I tried Aquarium Silicone but it was out of date and didn't hold the light unit, I think it may have been a combination of out-of-date and the heat from the unit?
I let the new silicone cure for 24 hours as per the instructions.
" The above silicone is used for cookers and high temperatures I assume it is safe enough"

4: Push the screws through the holes and use masking tape to keep them in place, flip the lid over add two washers per screw as spacers, and fit the light unit onto the screws, add the nuts, and tighten up!

5: Finished

End note!
You could take the Twinstar apart drill holes through the top of the light unit and attach it to the face plate!
I will let you know if the light unit has detached itself from the silicone and is in the aquarium tomorrow 🤞:nailbiting::happy:

Twinstar is still on the plate as of 19th Nov 2024!
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Thank you for this brief guide! I've been looking to add more lights to my Flex 57 and had wondered if anyone had actually installed extras versus replacing the lid entirely.

Have you (or has anyone else) considered/tried wiring the two lights up together or plugging them into a single controller?
Have you (or has anyone else) considered/tried wiring the two lights up together or plugging them into a single controller?
Not really, Twinstar has a timer on the light control.
Having them separate gives more flexibility.
Not really, Twinstar has a timer on the light control.
Having them separate gives more flexibility.

How about using aluminum instead of plastic. Also "heatsink plaster" is thermally conductive silicone "glue".
So pleased to spot this thread, as I was about to post and ask about options for upgrading flex 34 light.

Did you find this light to be a good choice for plant growth and fish colours etc?
So pleased to spot this thread, as I was about to post and ask about options for upgrading flex 34 light.

Did you find this light to be a good choice for plant growth and fish colours etc?
I'm using it on a slow growing planted tank....so can't vouch for growing carpet plants as this light is situated at the back of the hood!
It's pretty bright at the back of the aquarium on full power.
No fish in this aquarium😉
I'm using it on a slow growing planted tank....so can't vouch for growing carpet plants as this light is situated at the back of the hood!
It's pretty bright at the back of the aquarium on full power.
No fish in this aquarium😉
Thanks Hoggie.
Interestingly enough most will be about "1watt/gallon" in their respective size.
Like 20g(30w), 40g(40W), 55g(51W)
Available sizes
Twinstar 30B – 11W – 30-45cm tanks, 840 Lumens
Twinstar 45B – 20W – 45-55cm tanks, 1300 Lumens
Twinstar 60B – 30W – 60-75cm tanks, 1900 Lumens
Twinstar 90B – 40W – 90-100cm tanks, 2600 Lumens
Twinstar 120B – 51W – 110-130cm tanks, 3200 Lumens