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Guidance & experience appreciated


11 Mar 2021
Cheshire, UK

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I'm just looking for a bit of advice and experience, I've got a planted tank which has been re-scape with new plants for around 3 months now, however I'm struggling to see much growth across my Amazon Swords, a crypt and only recently has my Hygrophila corymbosa begun to really grow at a noticeable rate. Likewise, my java ferns do not seem to be doing anything. I tried to pick plants which were reasonably straightforward to grow as I didn't want to go down the CO2 route and really just wanted the plants to add to the overall tank aesthetic and provide a positive environment for the fish, whilst also helping with water quality.

The crypt hasn't done a great deal, a couple of new smaller leaves seem to have appeared and it didn't melt away when I initially put it in the tank, as I've seen others do. The really confusing one is the Amazon Swords, they haven't grown many leaves (if any...) but likewise the existing leaves haven't discoloured, they do look slightly tatty in places but I figured this was just slight wear and tear. I have tried to grow them in the past with no additional substrate fertiliser and the leaves when clear, punctuated with holes and the plants melted away.

This time round when I re-scaped my tank I added Tetra Complete Substrate and then a reasonable layer of sand over the top, to try and make sure this time round the root fertilisation element was covered. I also add, twice weekly, the orange tropica 'Premium nutrition' liquid fertiliser. The frustrating part is whilst at University I had two tanks at my parents house that had minimal care and maintenance, one was thick with crypts and the other thick with java fern - now i'm trying to grow them I can't!

I've done a water test tonight to see where the parameters at and I've added a picture of the test results (hopefully it's attached), but I'll put the details below. I've been testing my water every 2-weeks for the past 5 months or so and the results are quite static:

Tank stats:
Tank volume: 240L
Lighting: 2x 4-foot LED tubes on for ~7-8 hours per day
Substrate nutrition: Tetra Complete Substrate
Liquid nutrition: Tropica Premium (orange), twice weekly

6x Red rainbows
4x Bosemani rainbows
1x Scissortail rasbora
7x Panda Cory
5x Agassizi Cory
1x Bristlenose
1x Peckoltia Vittata

Test results (using API liquid test kits):
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: ~5ppm
pH: ~7.6
KH: 2 dKH
GH: 125.3ppm GH/KH (7 drops of the test solution)
PO4: pending (test kit should be delivered tomorrow)
Water changes: weekly, approx 25% total volume
Test 110321.png

I'm just wondering if my nitrates are on the lower side and that it's inhibiting growth of the plants and whether using the green liquid tropica fertiliser would be of help (I think this contains additional nitrate and phosphate?). Is there a target nitrate level which promotes good plant growth, but is below the levels deemed toxic for the fish?

I also have a small pothos (about 5/6 leaves) growing from one corner of the tank - could this be drawing out a large portion of the nutrients that are available / added into my tank, leaving little for the aquatic plants?

Sorry it's a bit of a long post but I wanted to get all of the information I have out in one post, so thanks for taking the time to read through it all. Any guidance would be gladly received.

Nitrate is essential for plant growth, a lot of tanks get enough from tapwater and/or fish waste. As you have almost none, I think changing to the Tropica Specialised is the right idea. If you could post some pics of the plants we might be able to spot if there are any other problems, and a full-tank pic would be nice too. 🙂
Dont know a lot about tetra substrate but adding root tablets may help. Crypts are known to take time to adapt as maybe your Amazon remove the worst leaves and new growth should come through
Hi, not sure where abouts in Cheshire you are but I know the tap water in wilmslow is low in nitrates, which would suggest you probably need to add some, the substrate I believe is only supplying micro nutrients.

The fish will be supplying some nitrate but for reference I have a similar sized tank with similar fish load and add in 6ppm of nitrate per week, but without knowing your water change routine and plant mass its hard to say if that would suit you.
I think changing to the Tropica Specialised is the right idea.
Agree 100%, or TNC complete, Your tank may not need extra Nitrogen (N) with the livestock and whats in the tap water for free, but having N in abundance in the tank with a 25% WC weekly will do no harm.
Long term investing in APFUK Starter kit will save you money

Stop testing water, as there is little support for testing makes any difference. I test nothing (pH occasionally when doing pH profile for CO2 injected tank). The only test kit you need is the plants, if they look good all parameters are good. If they dont look good post a pic or search the web for the issue - many folk will help diagnosis the issue
Hi, thanks for the advice and assistance, it is much appreciated.

I have bought the Tropica Specialised liquid solution, so hopefully that will have a positive effect. I understand on the testing water parameter point but I think for now I'll continue with testing for nitrates just to see what level the new fertiliser gets the tank too - I don't want to somehow end up at toxic levels.