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Growing DHG as a floater temporarily

Aqua Hero

8 May 2015
So I got ALOT of dwarf hairgrass from a mate but I didn't want to plant it in my substrate because Im going to rescape it soon.

Right not I have it semi floating ish. After a week a few leaves are turning yellow.

Is this due to lack of nutrients in the water or the fact that the grass isn't in soil?

This is what I mean by semi floating. These were taken before the leaves started to go yellow



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Well lets be honest... for most of us, it is pretty difficult to grow plants under the best conditions we can offer!
Your plants have had a pretty tough time, they were happily growing in an environment they had time to adjust too & were then uprooted & stuck in you tank in far from ideal conditions!!
If you want to keep them healthy (perhaps a challenge now) maybe consider a propagator?
They will still die back but should return to health & then you can plant them at your leisure.
Well that sounds great. I think tomorrow I will separate the grass and plant in the aqua soil temporarily

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