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Greetings From Sunny Cheshire.

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Hello all. I wanted to introduce myself to you good people and give you a little background info!

After several years "negotiating" with the wife about my need/desire to try my hand at fish keeping, she finally cracked. (I did have to agree to a Wedding, let her choose her dream dress, and the biggest, blingest ring she could find) But despite all this I finally aquired my tank, albeit 2nd hand! :clap:

It was never my intention to start a planted tank, I was oblivious to the art, unaware of aquascaping, fertilising, Co2 injection etc. But the more I researched my new hobby, the more inquisitive, and obsessed I became with growing my plants successfully.

I enjoy every second (Algae growth an exception) and am slowly learning more and more each week. I set up back in October. The last 6 months have been a steep learning curve, and alot of trial and error on my part, and seeing what works, and what doesn`t. :shock:
I`m still along way off where I want to be, that is why I have joined this Forum. There seem`s to be a wealth of knowledge available, which I intend on making good use of, and hopefully in time I may be able to contribute to.

Anyway. Sorry for rambling.....My tank.

180ltr ( 101 x 41 x 50cm)
2 X 39Watt T5 with reflectors (Retro-fitted to existing T8 Ballast)
Co2 Injection (3bps - 30ppm) JBL Proflora
Tetratec Ex700
Hydor Koralia NANO
Photoperiod 6hrs
Dose TPN+ 3ml daily

5 Botia Striata
10 Cardinals
2 Rosy Barbs
2 Albino BN Pleco
15 Amano
RCS (Too many to count)
3 Asian Wood Shrimp

Rotala rotundifolia
Hygro Polysperma
Bacopa monnieri/caroliniana
Ludwiga glandulosa
Lobelia cardinalis
Hoooooowdy hoooooooooooo 😀

Welcome to the forum buddy, always good to start with some back ground info and all like you have haha, my girlfriend actually started me by buying me a nano with a betta....little did she know I'd end up with a snakehead tank and planted tank with a serious addiction to anything planted haha.

All sounds well with your kit too, it won't be long untill your givern the 'ei' chat seeing that your using a branded fertilizer in a pretty large tank, (it'll be worth it though)

Now copy and paste all that info into a post on the journals and add some pictures 😀
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I will look foward to contributing the the forums!
Now copy and paste all that info into a post on the journals and add some pictures
After browsing members tanks I`m a little apprehensive about doing that at this present time :lol: I need to beat my BBA infestation first, and get hold of a decent camera! You guys have some awe inspiring tanks. Mines kind of a lame duck, in comparison! 😳
Don't talk crazyness!

That's where the journal comes in, listing your full spec and maintenance of the tank with photos, people jump in with advice and help,

Bba is co2 related algae there's a really good thread on it floating about here somewhere ill have a look and post back.
