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Greetings from Poland! :)

Piotr K.

22 Nov 2011
Wroclaw, Poland
Hi guys! :)

This is me, Piotr the "tv-guy", who was filming Aquatics Live last weekend. I enjoyed my stay in London very much, and I hope to come back one day, to make even more filming ;)


Piotr K.
LondonDragon said:
Welcome to UKAPS, you spent a lot of time at our stand ;)
That's because I was attracted by this black background of mine ;) (as were the other visitors :D ).
Yes people got curious and made you stand around for ages to get your videos too ;) I did move a couple out of the way :p

When will the videos be published? and looking forward to seeing your again next year :)
LondonDragon said:
Yes people got curious and made you stand around for ages to get your videos too ;) I did move a couple out of the way :p
Yup, that's right, thanks for that :)

LondonDragon said:
When will the videos be published? and looking forward to seeing your again next year :)
Probably I will come to London sooner than next year - I like this place :) First movies will hopefully be available next week - first I need to get me another hard drive, as I run out of space on the old one... :twisted:
LondonDragon said:
Bad time to be purchasing hard drives, they have doubled in price in recent weeks.
Yes, I have just noticed that... :( Geeez, what happened...? 4 months ago I have bought (or "I bought"? I still have it, so probably "have bought"...:) ) my 2TB WD Firewire for something like 130 quids, and now it's about 200 :( :( Hmmm, maybe I'll try to squeeze at least some of the Aquatics Live footage into the free space I still have... :?
LondonDragon said:
The floods in Thailand double all the prices,
Huh, I don't watch any TV (except mine ;) ) and don't follow any news, so I didn't know about those floods...

LondonDragon said:
I was after another 2Tb and now have to wait a little longer!! I paid for a Western Elements 2Tb £80 and now they cost £166 :(
I wonder if the prices will go down again, after a while... I'd rather say the producers and the sellers will gladly stay on the higher level for as long as possible... :twisted: