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Greetings From Lancashire


30 Oct 2013
Hello guys I've looked at this forum a couple of times but decided to join as I'm finally getting serious about plants (and aquascaping)

I've only been keeping fish for a year and a half, the plants have always been as impressive/important to me as the fish but I've taken care to know what I'm doing with the fish before I take on co2 etc.

Recently ordered the whole FE Co2 kit and I am planning to dirt the tank with something but I need a little help with that.

Anyways enough introductions, here are my efforts with plants/aquascaping so far.. looking forward to getting serious about this stuff!!

First tank (60L Arcadia Arc)



Second, current tank (200L Aquael)



Current setup:


MY AIM: Pearling and a sweet carpet of HC Cuba haha

Welcome to the forum Axy 🙂
Welcome, good to see another northerner on here! The 60l Arcadia is a great size, lovely scape in it too.
Thanks for the welcomes guys.. I've started a journal on here now so hopefully that should develop nicely 🙂

Yeah I liked the Arcadia.. just a one tank man so this has been taken down for the 200l. I'm a real Northerner, Burnley lad haha