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Got my filter...what next?


14 Apr 2009
For my first venture into planted in a 27l 18" long, I plumped for the tetratec ex600. Found a bargain one secondhand which has arrived today. My god it's huge! Bigger than the tank I think :lol: Anyway, I'll try and get to grips with it over the weekend.
I'm planning on using liquid CO2 at first, so don't need to get any eqpt for that. So I'm thinking my next purchase will be lily pipes to fit the filter and then lighting?
Also, I'm thinking I'll do the actual planting etc over the Xmas holidays. If I get the tank setup and have the plants delivered a little while before the holidays, would they be OK for a while until I could scape it?
Thanks 🙂
as long as you can put the plants in the tank with water, filter and some lighting they should be ok. just pop them out, keep them damp and scape over xmas. Depending on where they come from you could also keep them emmersed if thats how theyve been grown then youll only need to mist.
Brilliant, thanks stu 🙂 Just remembered, I need the heater too! So that's 3 more things to get-this is an expensive hobby :lol: