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Got a bargain, need a positive ID.


15 Jan 2009
Popped over Maidenhead Aquatics in Northampton this afternoon to see what fish they had in stock. Nice selection they had too, some nice Discus which may turn my head one day.

Bought some plants though to fill in the gaps in my tank. I was going to get some bunches aswell as the pots I got but we got talking and he threw in this stuff as it was going over and he was getting new in. Is it Rotala?


He gave me 9 bunches so I may have some for swapsies tomorrow...

He also threw in the pot of Ludwigia Palustra Green when I pointed out the roots had rotted off. So I got all this for £9. Nice chap. 😀 😀 😀


Does anyone else have Creeping Jenny growing submersed? I kinda liked the look of it but didn't recognise the name when I was there so I got it without really knowing what it was.
It could be emersed Ludwigia arcuata, but I am not sure.

Seems to be a problem of MA or more specifically AquaFluer, I saw Anubias and the tag just said "Special" like they didn't know what it was! Good prices though and good quality looking plants.
Superman said:
Dave Spencer said:
It could be emersed Ludwigia arcuata, but I am not sure.


My arcuata has much more fine leaves, although depends the scale of the photos I guess!

I should have put a ruler against it shouldn't I. The bunches are approx 7-8 inches. Each stem is about 25-30mmm wide.

Simon D said:
Seems to be a problem of MA or more specifically AquaFluer, I saw Anubias and the tag just said "Special" like they didn't know what it was! Good prices though and good quality looking plants.

I saw a few with that label and didn't quite know what to think of it. I much prefer the Tropica labels.
Superman said:
My arcuata has much more fine leaves, although depends the scale of the photos I guess!

So does mine, when it is IMMERSED, you buffoon! :lol:

Looks like some sort of emersed ludwigia to me as well. Swapsies, eeehhhh? 😀 I have nothing to swap, shoot. Hope you get a definite ID.

I have bought some plants for MA @ Northampton and I was advised not to rely on the plant labels as some of the labels don't correspond with the actual plant - some do and if there is an error in the labelling, they try to correct it.

I have also had fish from there its a good shop - clean, tidy and helpful (espically one young lady).


Nope this was the other one on Newport Pagnell Rd.. It's closer to me than the Harlestone Heath one, I will try to get over there one day though. I did ask the fella about whether they had different stock there etc. and he said they have a salty section although he couldn't tell me anything specific about the tropicals they have. Even though I made a conscious decision years ago not to get marine fish I still like to go look when the chance arises. My LFS has a good marine section and it's always fun seeing the beautiful fish and all the coral frags and shrimp etc..

I liked the display tank they had here. it wasn't planted or anything but it was still spectacularly laid out. It was about 3ft square with sand and all the plumbing running up the centre with just loads of mopani and iron wood making a central tower. Looked rather good. Lots of different fish types in there too.
Harlestone has some good nano fish in at the moment. Some Mosquito rasbora and another small species of Rasbora (green in colour). The mosquito's are cool!

Not sure about marine, not my thing 🙂
After sorting through those bundles I think I've chucked well over a third of it. They looked a bit soggy at the bottoms when I got them but I thought the tops would be ok but some of them only the top couple of inches was any good still. I got quite a few that are still ok though so I am still more than happy.

I'll have to get over Harlestone soon. Were test driving a car tomorrow hopefully in Northampton so I may get there if time permits. I just got a message from eddydis on ebay saying he'll be back in a few days. I was planning on getting from him before but he didn't have anything on when I went to order late last week. I may go for Rasbora Espei I think and some Amano's.
Only had one of the cuttings go a bit rank so far since I planted them. The rest of them have started going red at the tips as has the L. Glandulosa. The cuttings are starting to look more like Ludwigia Arcuata but still a bit early to tell for sure yet.