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Golden eyed dwarf cichlid

17 Aug 2018
Anyone heard of these before? They have them in my LFS and I'd not seen them before. Max size stated as 6cm. Similar temperament and requirements to rams I was told... think I might have to snap them up while their available!

My phone camera really didn't focus sorry!0db8719deba50185129568d664ef2080.jpg
Hi all,
They are easy to keep, the female is a bit feisty when she has fry, other than that pretty calm. <"Nannacara anomala"> is their scientific name.

If you are after a pair, look really closely at the "females", sub-dominant males will look more female like. If you get a small fish, not very blue fish, without extensions to the dorsal and anal fins, it is a female.

cheers Darrel
They are easy to keep,
Have you purchased/kept these recently?
I’ve observed them dwindling away in shop tanks (no suitable tank so I’ve not kept them) - Asian farm stock - which surprised me as I’d read they were easy keepers