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Going away for two days can i.......

FIsh i

12 Feb 2015
Leave my tank lights off, just abit concerned the effect on plants and fish over a 48hour period.
Plants stocked are rotala,money wort,sag,Java fern/moss, jungle val and dwarf hair grass, I don't really want to use a timer unless I have too.
Yep they'll be fine.

Not sure why you have an aversion to timers though? Even when you're there, the timer's going to do a more consistent job turning the light on and off at the same time of day. Didn't realise people still manually turn their lights on every day.... It's got to be one of the most cost effective things to buy, in terms of effort saved.
I have CO2, lights and eheim skim on timers, digital and analog, never had a problem. You can leave the lights off for 48hrs, fish won't mind, the plants should be fine if it is genuinely dark, ambient sun light could cause algae though.

I recently skipped a day of light on my tank after a little rescape because I was worried ammonia from the disturbed substrate would cause algae, the plants didn't mind the blackout at all. So I reckon the plants will be fine without light.
Thanks guys
My plants have took off over the last few months, it's like a jungle in there so just wanted to make sure.
I've got some bba so i'm very interested to see what effect lights out has on this.