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Getting a good flow rate


New Member
22 Feb 2025
Ipswich, Suffolk
I'm trying to increase my flow rate without putting anything else in the tank.
My tank is 200l with an Oase Biomaster thermal 600 filter. That has a flow rate published of 1250l/h which is only about 1/3rd of the ×10 flow recommended and probably only 1/6th in real terms.
I'm thinking of splitting the pipe from my lilypipe and running either another filter or a bypass pump to get the flow rate up. Will this work? Or is this filter already giving me enough flow rate and I'm getting this all wrong? I don't want to add a second set of lily pipes or an internal pump.
There are a few things can go wrong running two pumps/filters split from one set of pipework. I wouldn't personally want to risk it.

One way to increase flow with your current pipework would be to swap the head unit on your filter for the 850 model.

And as @hypnogogia mentioned above, you might not actually need more flow if you are not injecting CO2.
Thanks for that, can I ask the reason that it won't work?
Good idea changing the filter head unit, I'll look into that but it still won't get the required flow rate.
Yes CO2 is injected, high tech setup.
can I ask the reason that it won't work?
Worst case scenario, one filter pump fails (or you forget to turn it back on) the other pump is going to be pumping the failed filter in reverse. More generally the pumps are going to be somewhat fighting against each other and if one is more powerful than the other they might not play nice. There's probably some other reasons too...
Making sure all your pipe work is as large as possible (most likely 16mm) can make a big difference.
Could you add a extra pump in series running after your filter? There is a slight risk it might suck in air
If the filter seals aren't good enough.

I run a separate stainless steel canister filter and marine dc pump, on max I'm upto 8000l/h
It's a lot of water moving, and not sure entirely necessary. It certainly limits fish choice.