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George's Aquascaper 1200 Nature Aquarium

Hi Andy

The ADA 120P is proud home to my discus. I'm careful about publishing too much because 1) Potential IAPLC and 2) PFK feature. When I get time I'll post some close-ups from it. I'm really pleased with it - lovely set-up 🙂

But the EA1200 is another level - and the 'scape will be too, hopefully 🙂
Hi Andy

The ADA 120P is proud home to my discus. I'm careful about publishing too much because 1) Potential IAPLC and 2) PFK feature. When I get time I'll post some close-ups from it. I'm really pleased with it - lovely set-up 🙂

But the EA1200 is another level - and the 'scape will be too, hopefully 🙂

Ah yeah, I remember a mention about Discus now and I can understand the PFK feature. Will be good to see some shots.

Looking forward to the progression of this one.

(Real shame I missed you in Romsey too. Had to work the whole weekend!)
Hi guys,

Here's a shot right after planting. It's 3 days old now.

Mostly low maintenance plants - Trident fern, Bolibitis, small to medium crypts, Anubias petite. Then some fast growing weeds in the background - Ludwigia palustris and Rotala green. All plants from Tropica.

I recently added some mini pelia to the rocks (shout out to Dave from Aquarium Gardens) and will attached some weeping and xmas moss to bits of wood.

For fish I'm thinking Asian rummynose. Definitely an Asian species, and small shoalers that are ok in cooler water.

Lights (2x Kessil A360w) are on 50% for 7.5 hours.

CO2 is inline on outlet at around 4 BPS. Filters are 2 x JBL e1501. No heater (house is fairly constant at 20-22C).

Dosing 20ml Tropica Specialised per day. Currently 75% water change every 2 days using hose and pump (no buckets!)

I'm really pleased with it and think it will be one of my best aquascapes yet.

I'm a Nature Aquarium fan through and through and this aquascape reflects that I think. I do so many aquascapes on commission, even at home, it is refreshing to create something for me.

Anyway I hope you guys like it too.

Questions and comments very welcome. 🙂


Ahh George, this is going to look ace, I love it! The Ludwigia at the back will be amazing filled in, and there's nothing better than dense crypts. Can't wait! 😀

Planting looks great and as someone mentioned the tank and Kessil LED lights are an art installation themselves. Looking forward to updates.
Looking at it again, I reckon it's like a 'linear' style (James Findley) but in a nature scape.