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generally stupid questions ;)

21 Aug 2013
lotus cant grow in heated water?
is there a plant that can grow in heated water like lotus?

soil substrate and piranha/catfish/plecs = no?

want a natural over grown not neat tank.

seen a few tanks here that look great, not sure if they suit my fish though.

also need a plant to grow over the cave/s that I will make from mesh and bogwood, which I will put on here,

I will add to this thread any random questions I get instead of making new ones all day long.
moss for the mesh/wood caves.

is your tank gonna be high or low tech,think this will help with plant choice.

cheers dave
high tech, but I think im going low tech plants.

just got loads of echinodorus bleheri and cryptocoryne costata.
I reduced the lighting to 6 hours a day to try combat this algae, any other things I can do?
I have 4-5wpg. pressurised co2 that's perfect on the drop checker now 🙂 and I use the weekly ferropol fert and the daily one, both came with the jbl co2 set so thought id use them, I will use EI ferts that tylers on here showed me.
any tips on how to plant these? bunched up? spread them out etc. any tips at all really.

also got nomaphilia and ludwigia as had to make the numbers up for the deal in the shop lol.