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GA in-store display 120P Iwagumi II

Good luck, guys!

I love this close up! It looks like the Grand Canyon covered in grass 😀
Zerocon said:
How do you guys afford to do set-ups like this? Your budget must be massive!
Here's what I think: Aquascaping is never about the budget. It is about the nature. You can do great setups on low budget and expensive bad ones. On the other side just think how much one spends on gas or cars or u name it... Everyone with their own madness, right? 🙂
Antoni said:
Good luck, guys!

I love this close up! It looks like the Grand Canyon covered in grass 😀
Cheers Antoni. It's probably not by chance. I love the GC. Love AZ. 😉 one of the most inspiring places 4 me. Think of my previous tank "Sedona".
Hi Viktor, I have now seen a couple of your setups and I must admit that I am amazed every time I see your work!

To you have a website with a gallery of the different tanks you have worked on or maybe even in this forum?

mzm said:
Hi Viktor, I have now seen a couple of your setups and I must admit that I am amazed every time I see your work!

To you have a website with a gallery of the different tanks you have worked on or maybe even in this forum?


Hi Michael,
Thanks for your nice words about our tanks. However this is a teamwork on our side. We have several tanks from the past years, but 3 of us worked on them, so it is not fair to say i am the only guy behind it 😉

Couple ones:
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... os#p166420
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 90#p170515
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 60#p131961
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 30#p139387
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... =30#p90297
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 40#p109242
http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... A+in+store

There are some others too, but this is what i found quickly in the journal section 😉

also please feel free to surf on our flickr page where we publish a lot of other photos too:
Hi Viktor,

those are some amazing scapes! Thank you for posting the links! I will enjoy also going through the flickr album.

Well done to the whole team who worked on these pieces of art. I particularly like the cuba setup and and the one featuring the blyxa. I am currently trying to grow some blyxa and cuba myself however i cannot say that I am having the same results as you are and I really need to go through these forums in order to see whether there is some adice on getting these plants to thrive.

I have invested a lot in my setup, filters, pressurised CO2, TMC LED lighting, chiller (it gets very hot in Malta), EI dosing etc. but somehow I am not managing to get the results I see in these forums. The plants live but dont thrive...

Hope to see more of your setups in the future.

It seems you have the right tools Michael. You also have the right dosing approach, you should be sure that experience and patience will bring success to you. These are the best times: trying to understand and looking at nature, evolution of aquatic plants, finding the balance. (What is the GH - harndess of water in Malta? There are some great aquascapers living on your island, did you know that?)

Timing and setting CO2, adjusting flow and optimizing circulation, and even matching dosing to your water changes to achieve the best results is often tricky, but with patience it is inevitable... 😉 :idea:
Well, as you may know, a lot of our water is obtained from the mediterranean sea and we have large RO plants which convert sea water to drinking water. As it happens I live very close to one of these RO plants and therefore my water is very soft. I can be lucky to get a GH reading of 1 and I have even had to use some crushed corals in my filters in order to get this up to around 5.

Yes there are a couple of very good aquascapers on the island and I spend most of my free time browsing the net and youtube in order to learn techniques, positioning etc. I am yet to find the right scape in my tank though and being a corner tank makes it that much more difficult to get the right scape going. Indeed I am yet to find a great corner scape.....
Thanks guys. :angel:
Flygja, nice of you to say that, 🙂 but I really do not think it deserves higher ranking... 😳
I know the layout problems here and would do a couple of things differently if I had to redo it.

Here is the close-up again. I will post a full-tank picture later, when it is allowed.

easerthegeezer said:
that is an awesome looking tank!! well done on your placing.
Thanks a lot!

easerthegeezer said:
could someone tell me what the plant in the 6th picture on Viktor's flickr is? Looks a bit like pennywart but creeping with individual stems/plantlets?
Do you mean this plant? Then it is Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides (Maritima). This one though is Hydrocotyle Verticillata. Lovely plants both.