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FoF 2009 UKAPS Display Aquascapes

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007



I spot this autumn/winters new trend, beige/brown scaping! Very nice, I particularly like the iwagumi. Are there any stems in it? I see it as being a mould breaker like those of Nico. Very nice indeed, to all a big well done.
Fantastic shots there George, you've really done the scapes justice.
Did you use the new photographic equipment that you had in the van for these?

We were represnted great with these beauties guys, nice one! 🙂 There was a great photo of Graeme's nano by Lozbug I think on the FoF thread. Out of intrest, what exactly happens to the tanks that were set up on the day? They're not stripped down are they?
rawr said:
Out of intrest, what exactly happens to the tanks that were set up on the day? They're not stripped down are they?
Well the nanos were setup in advance as you no doubt know, Graeme's Tropica cube is setup at home again, same with my "slow burner" but my optiwhite is getting broken down for a while so i can concentrate on other things. We used my 80cm for the show and the intention was to rip it down but since it was so cool, it's currently residing in my living room 😀
You did yourselves and UKAPS proud guys! Great stuff.

rawr said:
There was a great photo of Graeme's nano by Lozbug I think on the FoF thread.
aw, Cheers 🙂

The pic's are great George, good to see the result after the effort 🙂
The small tanks are all really good:-

Number one (left on stand) - I had no idea that this tank was so small from the online pics.

Two (middle) - Like the discus and betta, lol, but for me the centre rock is too big or the tank is too short.

Three (right) - Love. It. Dunno what it is but Graeme is the nano master for me.
Hiya.Great stand & scapes lads you have done your selfs proud.I will be there next year this time.Could you tell me if you used the aquaray gro beam 1000nd or the hd ultra as they looked great.Well Done again lads.
Lisa_Perry75 said:
That tank clearing product was awesome Dan, what was it called again? Tank was crystal.
It was Columbo something or other, it's very good and apparently a natural product.
Lisa_Perry75 said:
.Could you tell me if you used the aquaray gro beam 1000nd or the hd ultra as they looked great.
It was the Gro Beam 1000ND and it's freakin' awesome!

Thanks for all the kind words folks, it make it feel worth it 😀
I went to FoF for the first time this year and i was very impressed with the tanks. The pics on here are good but seeing them in person makes you appreciate just how good they look. I didnt get chance to have a go on the tank where you could try making your own scape as i didnt get down there until late saturday unfortunatly.
great tanks! i especially like the 1st and the 3rd :thumbup:

anyways what is FOF?
nico said:
anyways what is FOF?


The Festival of Fishkeeping. It's an annual event hosted by the FBAS and is held on Hayling Island - usually the second week of October.

Has most types of fish there for showing, some for sale, trade and craft stalls and informations stands, such as UKAPS one 😉

More photos from the show http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8185