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Fluval vs Ehiem


22 Nov 2015
I have a Juwel vision 180. It's 180 litres. I currently use I very well used fluval 205 and I'm looking to upgrade. I have a fluval spraybar that is supposibly compatible with all 05/06 models. I am also using an UP inline reactor 16/22 thread.

The exit velocity from the spraybar that runs the length of the tank is very low from my 205 and I want something that will put out some serious flow.

Do ehiem filters come with a spraybar? Do both tubes fit in the juwel tank cut outs? Will the tube fit my 16/22mm inline atomiser?

Which would you go for? Thanks
I've had ehiem,fluval and tetratec and tbh never had a problem with any.
Currently running a fluval 406 on a similar set up which gives me the flow pattern i'm looking for.
I keep my media baskets fullish.
Thanks. My only concern is the tubing for the 406 fitting my UP atomiser 16/22mm.
Just swap the ribbed fluval tubes for standard hose.
You may need a shepards crook to avoid kinking.
Hi - have you decided on a filter yet? I loved my fluval 305 on my 240l - it was really sturdy & easy to use. I upgraded a few months ago to a eheim 'ecco pro' 300 and am happy - it has the same convenient media baskets and has a super low consumption. Mine didn't come with a spraybar & I have heard that its not recommended to use as can damage the motor? Hope this helps.
These products are much the same in terms of technology.
I use both and find them exactly the same except the fluval looks better.

I just go for the best deal.
Hi - have you decided on a filter yet? I loved my fluval 305 on my 240l - it was really sturdy & easy to use. I upgraded a few months ago to a eheim 'ecco pro' 300 and am happy - it has the same convenient media baskets and has a super low consumption. Mine didn't come with a spraybar & I have heard that its not recommended to use as can damage the motor? Hope this helps.

Thank you. The two filters I mentioned are pretty identical in terms of everything really.

The niggles I am down to are:

The 406 hoses do not fit side by side in the juwel cutaways so they will have to be routed at each end but I'm not sure they will be long enough.

I already have a spray bar that will fit the 406.

I don't know if the 406 hoses will fit my 16/22mm inline atomiser. But I could just use regular hosing.

The ehiem only fits in the centre of the juwel cabinet which means drilling holes to get the hoses through.

If the ehiem fit I'd have opted for this one as it uses standard hosing the would fit to the atomiser and fit snug in the juwel cut outs and comes with a spray bar. It just doesn't fit the cabinet and since my tank is in an alcove between a wall and the chimney breast I can't set it outside the tank.

I'm going to go for the 406 thanks Everyone.
I replaced the hosing on my Fluval 406 with the 16/22mm Eheim hosing (which is fitted to an inline reactor). It's a pleasing compromise that works well.
Wow thanks. You mean the green ehiem tubing?

I think I'll do that. Problem solved. The ribbed hosing seems to get full of gunk anyway.
The ribbed tubing wont fit inline products such as heaters. The ribbed tubing is rigid without the rubber ends.
I have a JBLe1501 (1400l/hr) in my Vision 180, being the biggest filter I could get in the cabinet without having to modify the stand.


Produces flow like this, from an extended JBL spray bar.
Thanks Ian. After being told about this filter I actually saw this video and thread it belongs to. Right now my 205 emits a stream of about 3 inches of water from each hole in the spraybar. It's not doing anything really.

I'm going to buy this filter as it's got a good flow rate, seems easy to clean, comes with a spraybar, has standard tube fittings and fits in my cabinet. Jobs a goodun!