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Fluval Plant LED Advice


New Member
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20 Feb 2025
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone has experience with the Fluval plant LED? I have a 29 gallon with Java fern, a few Amazon swords and an anubias nana. I’m running a Fluval aquaclear 70 and a Fluval aquaclear 110 filled with 30ppi foam. I run my light from 8:30am to 9pm - 8:30am to 11am sunrise/ramp up, 11am to 6pm daytime, 6pm to 8:30pm sunset/ramp down, and 8:30 to 9pm night setting. I have the settings for spectrum set as red 60%, blue 5%, cool white 40%, white 40%, and warm white 35%. Is this a good setting and length of light being on for these plants?


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hiya I would probably decrease your photo period to a maximum of 8 hours.
This will help to control any algae and reduce the demand for fertiliser and co2 ( maybe).

I'm not familiar with these LED lights but I have heard they are pretty good.

I usually ramp up and down for 30 mins included in the 8 hours but I'm pretty sure there is flexibility with that.