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Fluval G Series


11 Nov 2009
Witney, UK
Spotted one of these at my LFS http://www.fluvalblog.com/g-series/ :shock: I didnt have much time to check it out properly so has any one else seen/got one they look pretty cool in the flesh so good in fact it would be a shame to hide it in a cabinet.
I've seen and used one, they are very good but for the money, the flow rate is too low for me. Changing cartridges is a doddle, the LCD screen is useful and the design is just lovely. There are too many pros and cons to name here, as i say, the only thing that puts me off putting my hand in my pocket is it's low flow rate.
The flow rate is an interesing one, as the stated flow rate is the actual flow rate, so could be a lot more powerful than given credit for.

I know someone who has been running the G3 and G6 for months, and with no reduction in flow rate either, indicating the pump is very high quality (or their tank has no mechanical load to block the filter!)

For me, the conductivity meter is questionable. It's the main reason the price is so high, as I understand.

I would have prefered to have seen a built-in heater or even CO2 test (pH probe/ref. KH solution).

They do look great and the user-friendly media system is a great idea, allowing the filter to be cleaned in seconds, rather than several minutes + lots of mess.

I think the best thing about this filter is the new ground it has broken with aesthetics and user-friendliness. If developed in accordance with some of the feedback Hagen have received, this could be a product to watch and certainly one I'd consider.
My lfs has them in now, and yeah, they are nice to look at, but for that ammount, you could have a really good eheim with thermo built in, some of the things- such as the conductivity, as George mentioned, seem meaningless.
Hi all,
I think they probably added the conductivity meter as that is the only analytical meter that doesn't need regular calibration with a standard. If you adjust for temperature it is a pretty well linear scale (where as pH is a log scale etc.), and the operation of the electrode is pretty simple.

Personally I'd be surprised if they sell many, as I think it is "style over substance" unless you are willing to pay a premium for the look. I would also predict that they will have trouble with the LCD displays in the longer term.

cheers Darrel