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Fluval F90


29 Aug 2014
So I am finally ready to purchase my tank, initially I was planning to go for the Roma 125, but now seriously considering the fresh F900. The question I would like to know is if I go for the F90 would I still be able to create a low tech planted tank. Ideally I want to use easy starter plants with no CO2 and and low maintenance until I gain more experience with planted tanks.

Does anyone own the F90 and would they recommend these any Pro's and cons.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, The F90 looks really nice ☺ I have a Roma 240litres which comes with a light unit that holds t8 bulbs which give low light. I run it similarly to how you hope to - no co2 & low light & it's adequate provided you choose plants for that set up, however the light ballast & flaps are an integral part of the design so if you wanted to try using more demanding plants & add a co2 unit as you progress with the hobby - you would need to consider converting the lights (grand probably if you've diy/electric skills). That being said - I don't know what the F90 lights are like but certainly the unit looks easier to change without affecting the aesthetics of the tank ☺
That's what I was thinking. If I was to go for the Roma could I upgrade the lighting to the Arcadia t8 Led if in the future I wanted to try more demanding plants?
I am just concerned That the lighting will be too overpowered for the easy undemanding plants I plan to use with no Co2.
If you choose the roma you could still upgrade to arcadia t8 bulbs but the output wouldn't increase much (I've Arcadia bulbs too). To increase your light output you would have to use either t5 fluorescents or leds for plant growth (not all fit the bill!) And to do this for the roma you'd have to convert the ballast or remove - which wouldn't look good as the ballast supports the lid flaps! I agree with Nelson, the F90 is better for conversion 🙂 but not right away if you don't want to .... just easier later on (just in case 🙂)