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Fluval Edge 46 aquascaping


9 Feb 2012
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post on the forum and a newbie to aquatics. George posted a video of the Edge 46 being set up with plants etc. I would be grateful if anyone is aware of what substrate he used and what other plants would be suitable for this type of set up ? I have read many articles about using C02, is it really necessary with a tank this small?

many thanks
Hi there and welcome to UKAPS!

I used Unipac Maui Sand which is an inert 1-3mm rounded quartz gravel.

Plant-wise I recommend some low maintenance species such as Cryptocorynes, Anubias attached to wood or rocks, and some narrow leaf Microsorum.

Many thanks George for your reply. Do I need to do anything else regarding the care and upkeep of the plants?

kind regards

Hi Marty

You don't need CO2, but adding a daily dose of liquid carbon fertiliser and comprehensive nutrient fertiliser will help growth.

I recommend starting with 2ml of Easylife Easycarbo and 2ml of Tropica Plant Nutrition per day, with 50% water change per week.

Plant heavily from the outset. Small crypts at the front i.e. C. parva, larger crypts at the back i.e. C. wendtii 'green' or 'brown'. Attach the Anubias and/or Java fern to the decor - don't bury the roots into the substrate.

If you have hard water then Vallisneria will make a nice backdrop. V. nana or spiralis are idea. Beware that Easycarbo may adversely affect Vallisneria.

Set your lights on a timer for around 8hrs per day.

Don't stock too heavily with fish. A shoal of small tetras would look good, maybe some shrimp and Otocinclus as an algae-crew. If you don't wish to add a heater then White Cloud Mountain Minnows are an excellent choice.

If you want to keep it minimal then consider a layout like this. The ferns here are Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow'. The 'Needle', 'Trident' and 'Windelov' varieties would also work well.

New Fluval Edge by George Farmer, on Flickr

Many thanks for the planting options and the pictute, its superb!! I was looking to keep about a dozen fish or so, tetras,rasboras etc, do you think it would be to many for heavy planted tank? I have noticed many shrimp, what would be best for a peaceful community tank ?

many thanks George