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Flourish while Cycling ?


19 Apr 2011
Hello Everyone, i am currently cycling my tank using ammonia thread here, http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15637

My queation is i have a few plants in there and plan to add a few more during the cycle, would it be ok to use Flourish for the plants while i am still in the middle of a cycle adding ammonia ?

Yup, start as you mean to continue tends to be the general consensus in my experience, flourish, excel anything else you're adding all done daily from the off.
Thanks for the reply. Im worried it may play about with the results a little so im still yet undecided.
Your cycle will start no matter what given enough time, I don't think any of us planted tank guys do a "traditional" cycle, I certainly don't I use pre-seeded filters and rely on the ammonia releasing substrate and some mulm to kick things in.
I nearly through the cycle maybe 2 weeks left so might be an idea to let this finish then get cracking.

I will keep my eye on the plants and if they start to look a little off i will move them to my smaller tank until the 240 is ready.

Cheer for the help Garuf
I could sure but this gives me some time to plan things out for the tank. Also time to save up some pennies for the fish hehe

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