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Flourish Iron


18 Apr 2013
I am EI dosing, to Aquarium Plant Food Recipe and I have doubled the Trace Elements to 2tsp per 500ml. Some of my plants are still a little pale/yellow and was wondering if it would be ok to add some chelated iron as well?
APF have not got any chelated iron in stock at the moment so was thinking of getting some Seachem Flourish Iron and adding that maybe once a week? I don't want to overdo it as I do not know whether too much is toxic for the fish?
Sure it will be fine, especially just with just fish (no shrimp?) and lots of hungry plants, lots of the metals in the trace element are more toxic than iron, but again your fine doubling it with just fish :thumbup: .

Though if your trace elements is chelated and already has iron then its probably not an iron deficiency, rather than CO2, flow, too much light etc.

If your worried you could also just add root tabs under the plants 🙂.