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florinAxis carbon?

mr. luke

7 Dec 2008
anyone use this, i was told it is the same as excel but basically repackaged for another company? is it actually any good?
i got it from 'the aquarium' in lincoln, it also turns up on google shopping. the instructiond are pretty much the same as excel, same dosing and everything.
Luke. why don't you put your location in your profile and then those of us in your area know there is someone local etc.

i will do 🙂
i was just signing up befor to check out the atmosphere but i think im here to stay now 🙂
It just helps people to know who is close to who. Then someone local can give more detailed advice on things applicable to the local area i.e. water hardness, LFSs etc.

FYI I live about ¼-½ mile along the road from the Aquarium!!!! I always give the aquarium a good word on forums because the fish are in really good condition IMO and there is a huge variety of stock too. Planted falls behind a little but thats the same with 99% of LFS.

I think the aquarium is great 😀
out of all the times ive been given one piece of bad advice but it happens anywere 🙂
they have a good coice of marine and freshwater supplements i think 🙂 and on occasions there plants are great, if you go in when they stock up then they have a really good choice i think 🙂
i was informed that it was the same thing 🙁
same dose rate but it seems to be working well 😀
i started double dosing yesterday and today the plants where pearling and neons spawning so all is well 🙂
It may be a carbon source but it doesn't seem to have the ingredient we assume causes the algae killing side effect.

thats a bit rubbish then 🙂
i have put in items that have BGA on them form my large tank and it seems to die off anyway, although that could be the high flow and a good overall balance i supose 🙂
It looks to that a lot of the blurb on this product is pseudoscientific at best! To talk about having 'Krebs' included in it seems a bit like the person writing the packaging wasn't up to speed with the Citric Acid cycle! Or why you'd use that rather than the photosynthesis intermediates the plants want!

If the product is working and killing off the algae then I'd use it. Hopefully the company making it might be a bit clearer on the language used in their packaging to clear any misconceptions up too.
well it made my blyaxa melt at tripple dose 🙁 everything else is ok and since adding the first lot of ferts 2 days ago i can now see the beginings of algae, not unmanageable though.