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Flooding a DSM


5 Jan 2016
United States
So, I just have some questions in regards to flooding a dry started tank. It is many weeks from now for me, but I like to be prepared. For some background info, it is an ADA 60P (60x30x36). My filter is an Eheim 2015, light is BML 6300k Dutch, EI ferts. I am dry starting a front lawn of HC, the rest of my stems and such won't be added until I flood...mainly because I don't know what all I want yet. So, questions...

1. Assuming I should decrease light intensity and photoperiod after flooding? Thinking 50% for 6 hours?? Currently at 100% for 12 hours.

2. What level of EI dosing should I start with? 50% and go up or just straight at 100%?

3. I am using Aquasoil, and I've heard you need to do water changes daily for the ammonia spike. Is this still true for dry-started tanks? Also, if I do daily water changes, am I just dosing macros every day after the change? Or should I dose micros during this period as well?

4. Do you think the spray bar with the Eheim 2015 will be enough flow to keep the HC carpet happy?? I feel like there would be a dead spot directly beneath the spray bar.

Loving this forum! So much great info!
Hi jag,
1 50% for 6hrs sounds spot on (max co2 levels)
2 half ei dose should be fine for a couple of weeks
3 I would still carry out the daily water change routine after a drystart, alternate dosing of macros and micros your aquasoil will contain nutrients and you won't remove them all with a 50% wc
4 spray bar may be ok you can add some micro nutrient powder along the front of the tank and watch how it's spread, should highlight any possible dead spots.
Good luck with the tank.