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Fleabilly tank journal 0001

Realised yesterday, that I could easily set up a time lapse in the shed where the tank is, because the computer is also there. Set up the camera to tether to the computer, and it is easy to document without a card. Curious to see different growth rates and if anything goes south, it would be easy to show someone and get technical info to correct the situation. Will try to shoot daily for a month.Best part of this first one, is watching the HC Cuba pearling. Never have I been able to grow this... Fingers crossed.

I'm doing it daily, then I plan on stitching them together, to get a better feel for growth. And I will add other plants soon, and animate the planting as well.
This is the 29th. Added a spot light in the end, and messed with the grade.

Also did a water change first off.
Since the tank is drilled and lives in the shed/office, I was able to just attach a long tube via the eheim taps and remove 50% of the water into the garden, then switch the taps so the hose feeds into the intake of my 2217. Attach the other end to my water but, and filled the tank back up with rainwater. Was a little slow, but worked. No mess.

7 months later.
Sorry for the delay. Full on work load for he last four months. Neglected the tank, but it has done well.

I had planted Cuba and initially it grew well. I feared too much light in the tank because of black hair algae. Raised the lights for a month, and got rid of algae but Cuba grew up instead of out. (Searching for light) couple of days ago I lowered lights half the distance, and everything began pearling. Things look great, but concerned about tank and how it will fair in a house move in September.