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Flavour spec 10l plant help


1 Aug 2018
Hi guys
Before I start my other tank, I’m going to be setting up a 10L shrimp tank to keep whilst in my last year of uni. It will be a fluval spec 10L with the standerd light. It’s going to be an Iwagumi style scape with a few rocks and then a carpeting species, possible larger plant in the back ground behind the feature rock. Will be using Colombo flora base pro, not not using co2 of fertilisers. Ideally I am looking for 2 plants but have no idea where to start, need an easy carpeting species and then a taller plant to grow at the back? Any ideas? Was planning on doing the dry start method? Misting the plants until they are well grown in and then adding water and finally shrimps? Any help on the plants would be great. Can dose fertilisers once a week but would rather not if it’s possible to do without? Any advice on what two plant species would work would be great, and what steps I need to take.
Cheers Chris
You definitely will need a liquid fertiliser, a nutrient substrate can provide some nutrients but definitely isn't comprehensive. It will also run out of nutrients eventually.

Your options for low tech carpets:
-Micranthemum Monte Carlo
-Dwarf Hairgrass
-Staurogyne Repens

Taller plants for the back:
-Helanthium Tenellum
-Sagittaria Subulata
-Various Crypts

With that said, it definitely isn't easy to do a nice carpet in low tech. You simply won't get the lush growth you're looking for without CO2. Possibly look into low cost/DIY options? Aquario have started making a new line called neoCO2 which is the usual DIY style thing but with some additives to make it more stable.
Ok cheers for the help. Defiantly going with Monte Carlo as the carpet species and undecided on the taller rear plant. Will be using my hydra 26hd light on the tank. Way over kill but ahh well haha. What is the ideal kelvin rating and how many watts do I need? Can go from 1-71watts if needed. Also what photoperiod length? Ideally don’t want to go co2 but may consider it. Could dose ferts once a week if necessary. Definately going for the dry start method to let the plants grow in, do I just cover the tank with cling film and then place the light over it?
Cheers Chris
You definitely will need a liquid fertiliser, a nutrient substrate can provide some nutrients but definitely isn't comprehensive. It will also run out of nutrients eventually.

Your options for low tech carpets:
-Micranthemum Monte Carlo
-Dwarf Hairgrass
-Staurogyne Repens

Taller plants for the back:
-Helanthium Tenellum
-Sagittaria Subulata
-Various Crypts

With that said, it definitely isn't easy to do a nice carpet in low tech. You simply won't get the lush growth you're looking for without CO2. Possibly look into low cost/DIY options? Aquario have started making a new line called neoCO2 which is the usual DIY style thing but with some additives to make it more stable.
I don't agree that he won't get the lush growth he's after in a small tank.
This is my ten litre. No ferts and no co2. I'd say that's a pretty decent carpet. Tank has only been running 2 weeks as well.2018-08-24 18.21.07.jpg
Wow that’s awesome! Might try the tank without ferts and co2 to begin with and see how it goes, picked myself up a fluval spec 10l this afternoon for a great price along with all the other bits I need so will get scraping and some pictures up later. Decided on my plant species as well. Really need some ideas on light wattage and my kelvin rating? The hydra is so adjustable I can do whatever is best for the plants.
Cheers Chris
Wow that’s awesome! Might try the tank without ferts and co2 to begin with and see how it goes, picked myself up a fluval spec 10l this afternoon for a great price along with all the other bits I need so will get scraping and some pictures up later. Decided on my plant species as well. Really need some ideas on light wattage and my kelvin rating? The hydra is so adjustable I can do whatever is best for the plants.
Cheers Chris

6500k is good. Minimum 10 watt. You don't want too high if no co2. My tank has a soil substrate (from my garden under the topsoil) and is capped with the sand and a fine gravel. This helps massively with making the plants lush and green with no ferts and co2
6500k is good. Minimum 10 watt. You don't want too high if no co2. My tank has a soil substrate (from my garden under the topsoil) and is capped with the sand and a fine gravel. This helps massively with making the plants lush and green with no ferts and co2

Ok cheers, if 6500K is best then I’ll set my light to that, and would 10w be best? Then can go higher but just need what’s best for the plants. I have Colombo pro flora plant substrate which hopefully should help. Will see how it goes but need to get the carpet established before anything can go in.
Cheers Chris