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Fish questions?


17 Oct 2008
Thelwall, Warrington
hey guys i have a cople of questions about how you got round some problems/ideas.

1. i have had some fish jump out of the tank and now have a crapy bit of clear plastic over the tank which i realy dont like the look of but some of them have found the gaps around the plastic, i had 5 hatchets and 10 harlequins i now have 1 hatchet and 4 harlequins any ideas?

2. what can i do to help my Corydoras pygmaeus to breed i think my water is good and they have loads of cover, is there anything else i can give them?
2. what can i do to help my Corydoras pygmaeus to breed i think my water is good and they have loads of cover, is there anything else i can give them?

A water change with cooler water helps set my bronze corys off other than that I havent done anything special to get them to breed. No babies yet I think the fry are being picked off by the other fish in my tank.
OllieNZ said:
2. what can i do to help my Corydoras pygmaeus to breed i think my water is good and they have loads of cover, is there anything else i can give them?

A water change with cooler water helps set my bronze corys off other than that I havent done anything special to get them to breed. No babies yet I think the fry are being picked off by the other fish in my tank.

when you refill the tank with cooler water you imitate a tropical rain. just let it fall in the tank so it splashes a lot.(don't get skoaking wet ofc)
normaly the females should be setting of some eggs with the males all around them.

normaly to have a succesfull breed, I remove the cory's out of the tank, putt them in another tanks and feed them with deepfrozen food and living food such as black-musquit-larves(sorry for my poor english 🙂 ). that way they are is excellent condition.
then i get the heat up to 25°C and then i remove some watter en i imitate the tropical rain.
they don' tneed any substrate to putt the eggs on, i just give them sand as bottom and they set the eggs off on the glass, that way you can easely see if there are eggs or not.

removing them from the tanks is very usefull, after they set the eggs off, they might eat them, so then you bring the parents back to their home tank. (better then remove the eggs from their main tank!)
ow yea you should have around 3 females and 2 males in that breeding tank. that allways works with me.

succes! :thumbup:
my water temp is 25-26, the fish are behaving as i think they should i.e. not swimming up and down the glass it just seems weard that they want to die on the floor!!

I will try a cold water change to see if it sets off the corys i am not even sure i have any diffrent sexes of them.

thanks for the replys
Hatchets are known to be more common jumpers because they occupy the top region of the water column. Make sure you leave an inch or so between the top of the tank and the water level - some tanks are so full that the fish can basically just swim out of the tank. There's not much else you can do apart from lowering the water line without some sort of hood.
Cheers i have moved my remaining hatchet into my nano because that has a glass top! it is just the harlequins in there and two threadfins.
i lost 4 of my hatchets with a covered tank. i think they must have been jumping out when i was doing water changes. 🙁 you have to watch them like a hawk