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First trim

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I usually wait until I can feel they're firmly gripping the substrate, which usually means they've put down some good roots. This helps them to be resilient to attack from scissors.
I like to leave stuff to get as wild as I can stand, but if stuff has got cracking after two weeks, then it will be fine to trim.
If there are active shoots on the lower stem, why not trim & replant - Tropica has loads of vids doing just this with various plants 🙂
Just go ahead........
A plant on good or Quote; "wild" growth will have plenty of stored energy, to bounce back after a trim. For most plants, trimming of plants in good growth, will result in more dense and lush appearance. This is usually what is desired.
- and to be honest; it's a matter of "learning by doing" (but reading up a little/ checking some videos will prevent some mistakes, ofcourse) :thumbup: