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First post, my journey, realisations and re-planning!


27 May 2015
South Oxfordshire

First post on the forum and probably a familiar tale to tell!

I used to keep fish some 20 years ago in my teens, got older, got married, etc etc, and now finally got the OK from the wife to have a tank again.

I got a bit carried away and rushed into getting going. I had to buy a tank which passed the wife test. So purchased a second hand Askoll Pure M. It's small, but cosmetically it passed the test. This, I realise, it the first thing I did wrong!

I had seen images of lush green tanks and was sure that's what I wanted. The more I've read up on things, the more I've realised that I need substantially different equipment to what I had just bought!

The "As is..."
The first thing I did was junk the internal filter and switched to a JBL i80. I have also changed the bulb to an Aqua One sunlight/tropical mix (PL18W) My main issue with the lighting is that it is off centre and not evenly distributing light across the tank. The tank is in a corner and viewed from two sides which makes this even more annoying. It also seems to affect plant growth as plants furthers from the light are growing more slowly.

I have JBL Manado as my substrate but annoyingly no nutrient layer below (bad advice from LFS.)

I am using TNC Complete, TNC Root tabs and Liquid Carbon and have the light on for 5 hours a day.

The tank is planted with:
- Eleocharis parvula
- Penthorum sedoides
- Limnophila hippuridoides
(All inspired by an example I saw on the Tropica site)

Generally, these are doing well, I was hit initially by some algae, but reducing the light period and using the ferts seems to have helped this. Some of the Penthorum sedoides seem to struggle but I am removing any stems that seem to be losing their leaves.

The "Re-Planning"
As per the title, I'm now starting to re think my set up and how I can improve it to get what I want. Having learnt about the high tech approach, I think this is the way I will end up going, unless you can help save my wallet and tweak what I have to get a more satisfying result.

Firstly, the tank itself. It is approx 30x30x40, the space I have available would allow something up to 40x40 or at a push 50x50. I am looking at square footprints due to the viewing from two angles and corner placement. This does not seem easy to find though. The best option I have found so far is the Eheim Scubacube range.
Whilst the 64 litre would be ideal, it snags on my next requirement... A tank lid! The 125 litre has a lid, but at 50x50 it's going to struggle on the wife test.
I have two young children and whilst they are very good with leaving the tank alone, the risk of not having a lid is too high.

Then I'm on to the Filtration. To maximise space in my current tank, I am looking at moving to an external filter and heater. Most likely a JBL e701 or e901 (to future proof) or an Eheim Pro3 250. For the heater, I am not sure, need to research more.
To fit this to the current tank I would need to modify the lid for the pipes which I'd like to avoid, but needs must if I retain this tank.

Lighting, I have looked into this, but upgrading the lighting in my current tank seems to be a non-starter. Because of the requirement to keep the lid, swapping to an over head LED is not possible. I could try hacking a DIY effort into the lid, but this seems a bad way of doing it.

CO2, I need to read up on this more. One of the systems from CO2Art seem most likely though.

So what I am looking for is a few things:
- Anything in my current setup that sounds wrong?
- Suggestions for easy improvements to my current set up to see an improvement. The main issue I have is the un even lighting and I just cannot see a way to sort this and keep the lid.
- Suggestions for a more high tech set up without going crazy on budget.
- Suggestions for a tank at 40x40 with a lid and a high gloss white cabinet.

If you've got this far through my post then thanks and I look forward to your advice.
I've been putting more thought to this since posting this morning.

Having spoken to a few custom tank suppliers and needing to spend £600+ to get what I want, I've gone back to the drawing board.

Potentially toying with:
Fluval F60 using the supplied lighting to start me off
The included Fluval 206 filter
Some form of solenoid controlled C02 system, I'm looking at using an inline diffuser and a paintball cylinder for gas as there are several paintball shops near by for refills.
A Hydor external heater

I'm keen to hear peoples thoughts on trying to reuse my JBL Manado substrate, but with some sort of nutrient base, or if I switch to ADA products?
I'm rambling to myself here now! Hopefully though, if I keep this up to date with my thoughts then I may get some useful feedback!

New tank went down like the proverbial sack with the wife... so a revised approach whilst I work on that.

- TMC Mini 400 onto my current tank
- TMC controller for the light
- JBL e701
- Hydor external heater
- CO2 Art system with dual stage solenoid and 500g bottle, inline UP diffuser
- TNC complete dosed daily (2.1ml per day)

I know I'd said I must have a lid to the tank, but I'll chance it and see how it goes.

I'll then put time into working on the tank layout and getting to grips with the new setup.
Welcome to ukaps.
I use JBL aquabasis and manado and it's working fine. if you are going to re-scape the tank you could just add some aquabasis, it nice and cheap compared to ADA products. I would have a good read in the tutorials section as lots of inert products have been used and reviewed. I would recommend EI dosing as it a lot cheaper then all in one products.
- TMC Mini 400 onto my current tank
- TMC controller for the light
- JBL e701
- Hydor external heater
- CO2 Art system with dual stage solenoid and 500g bottle, inline UP diffuser
Kit list looks good.
Jim, you've made my evening! I wasn't sure if this would ever get a reply 😉

Planning to order all this up over the next week as I'm not around and then have it all ready to fit and rescape when I get back. I will remove as much of the manado as I can and put a good layer of aquabasis in underneath. Will check out other substrates too as you suggest, I want to try and have a small corner of sand in there if possible.

I'll switch to EI once I've used all the stuff I've bought so far. Picked up on that one too late, plus I found it a bit daunting.

Kit is pretty much decided, I'm just trying to find bargains where I can now!

Once I've got my head around using CO2 then EI is next on the list for sure.

The Mini 400 seems quite easy to find. The controller not so much though.
You might chat with TMC & check on pricing & availability of the Aquaray Horizon LED
(meanwhile just keep putting away "spare" change for the new tank - also watch the sale section here as occasionally there are some extraordinary tank clearouts)

You can always add a glass or plexi etc "lid" whenever needed.
Thanks all!

The horizon looks great! Will keep an eye out.

Picked up my an e701 today and had some more plants through from tgm too. Planning on starting my rescape of the tank tonight and get the filter in.

Managed to bag a light controller for just over £50 and hoping to pick up a light and stand tonight.

Just leaves the co2 kit and the in line heater to order up. I had a look at kits in my lfs, but they were more expensive and inferior to the co2art options.

Layout wise, I'm going to try and have more of a corner based layout and add more substrate to build up the far corner with some more rocks too. I'd like to have a sandy area in the opposing corner but am unsure how this will work over the Jbl Manado I have and if it would just end up a mess?
I should switch this into a journal thread really, if a mod sees this could you move it? I'll then start adding pictures etc.

Got the 701 plumbed in last night and tried to re do the layout again. It's better (in my eyes) but still not a patch on examples I see on here. The main stones I am using are too big for the tank and mess up the scale. I want to add some mangrove style wood too.
Overall I'm pleased as having the internal filter out makes a world of difference.
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tnc complete can be dosed at 3x what the bottle says to give ei levels of ferts but will you need to do a 50% weekly water change

I'm dosing at 3x and doing 50% changes already. Once I've run out I'll switch to dry ingredients.

Aqua One do a 40cm x 40cm
Check to see if it has a lid....the one I purchased a few years ago did...but that was a normal glass tank!

Going to run that past the wife! If only got authorisation for a fully white cabinet 😉
That would be so much easier than trying to fit a proper door to my current stand. Not much more expensive than building one either!
Try to get out to some shops that have tanks & cabinets on display, TMC does the 45cm cube with cabinet in their signature series - not the same price range as the Aqua One but you may want to compare the 2 before buying.
Now that I've figured out how I could add a lid to one, a TMC is quite likely. I want to cut my teeth on this tank then move onto something else. If I blew my budget on a tank and not trying high tech I think I'd always kick myself.