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First madagascar lace plant, opinions?


New Member
24 May 2024
This is my first nano (30L cube) tank, used to much more space, stock, everything, but one and a half months into this low tech heavily planted setup. weekly liquid ferts dosing, still doing weekly water changes will adjust to every other week soon. Used filter media(mix of sponge and ceramic), water and initially small bags of gravel from a much larger established tank to seed and have had most plants, a nerite, a bamboo shrimp and about a dozen amanos/rcs each in since day one doing great. Yesterday added the two crypts (one in vitro hidden at the back), the s repens and the lace plant bulb (pictured best I could), as well as my new betta Sanchez.

I'd intended this to be just a nano set up for plants, algaecinos and a betta, but from what I'm seeing they weigh heavily on the nutrients in the substrate (seachem flourite). I will be feeding the betta pellets (4-7 throughout the day with a daphnia day and a starvation day per week) with no waste and seldom feed sinking pellets to the shrimps (a couple times a month at max) so none is left to the ground to be sooked up as nutrients.

Could I justify adding maybe 6 pygmy cories to boost whats available? Will the plant grow either way and is 30L for a betta and a school of nano fish just ludicrous?



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