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First aquascape, my plant choices (ok?)


14 Nov 2018
I have a 5 gallon tank which will be low tech. No CO2 and a clip on led light. I’m not sure how bright it will be but probably low to keep algae away. I have a dimmer that so I can adjust the brightness.
I’ve been reading about low tech plants a lot and I think I’ve finally settled on the three plants I want for the look I want. Can you tell me if they will work well together? I’m hoping they all have similar requirements. This is my first tank ever so I want to make sure it lives. Any better suggestions are welcome

Moneywort as background plants
Rotala Rotundifolia for middle ground
Staurogyne Repens for carpet

Thank you!
Hi all,
Moneywort as background plants
Rotala Rotundifolia for middle ground
Staurogyne Repens for carpet
They would do, but they are possibly a bit big/quick growing for a five gallon tank.

Have a look at the <"Tropica Plants easy range">, it will give you an idea of plants that are likely to be suitable. You could try a Cryptocoryne spp. as your mid or back-ground plant. <"Cryptocoryne wendtii"> perhaps? <"Hygrophila corymbosa"> would be another option, there are more compact forms available.

I like a <"floating plant">, but they aren't essential if you can dim the light.

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel! I hadn’t even considered that those plants I chose might be too big for my tiny tank because it’s actually pretty hard to tell how big they are from google pics. Having taken your advice into consideration I’ve been looking for smaller low tech plants. I definitely like the look of Hygrophilla Corymbosa a lot!
I guess Mayaca Fluviatilis would work for the background if I just trim them down
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If you are planning low light and no added CO2, Mayaca fluviatilis will not work for you. It belong in Tropica medium cayegory, for same reason.
If you are planning low light and no added CO2, Mayaca fluviatilis will not work for you. It belong in Tropica medium cayegory, for same reason.

Ok I will take note of that, thank you

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