Hi all,
A quick question/ thought.
How clean/ pure is the Co2 coming from my fire extinguisher setup?
I ask as despite having prefect tested water quality all round, very low biomass, and text book fish acclimatisation, I seem to always lose a few fish in the weeks after adding them to my tank?! Its really frustrating.
I’ll have 6 harlequin rasbora, seemingly very happy, and then 2 weeks later, 4. Nothing changed nothing different, no signs of duress on the other fish. They just seem to vanish?!
I’m not running RO on this tank, but I only buy hardy fish from local shop, that are kept in the same tap water as mine.
Could it possibly be the Co2?I don’t run a high bubble count, or for many hours.(more a mid tech arrangement), drop check never goes as far as pale green. There’s never any gulping at the surface, so no signs of asphyxiation.
Which leads me to the thought of what’s in fire extinguisher , non food grade Co2? Could it be traces of other gases causing the transitional issues that fish seem to have to my tank??
Anyone had a similar thoughts/ issues?
Thanks for any help that is much appreciated!
A quick question/ thought.
How clean/ pure is the Co2 coming from my fire extinguisher setup?
I ask as despite having prefect tested water quality all round, very low biomass, and text book fish acclimatisation, I seem to always lose a few fish in the weeks after adding them to my tank?! Its really frustrating.
I’ll have 6 harlequin rasbora, seemingly very happy, and then 2 weeks later, 4. Nothing changed nothing different, no signs of duress on the other fish. They just seem to vanish?!
I’m not running RO on this tank, but I only buy hardy fish from local shop, that are kept in the same tap water as mine.
Could it possibly be the Co2?I don’t run a high bubble count, or for many hours.(more a mid tech arrangement), drop check never goes as far as pale green. There’s never any gulping at the surface, so no signs of asphyxiation.
Which leads me to the thought of what’s in fire extinguisher , non food grade Co2? Could it be traces of other gases causing the transitional issues that fish seem to have to my tank??
Anyone had a similar thoughts/ issues?
Thanks for any help that is much appreciated!