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Filter Recommendation for 160l


16 Jan 2023
Can anyone recommend a good reliable filter for a 160l tank?

I've had bad luck with filters, originally had a fluvial u2, but then upgraded to an oase bio plus thermal when I upgraded tanks, but that one broke within two weeks. Then got a all pond solutions HOB filter which stopped working yesterday, manage to fix it but want to get something reliable encase it stops again. Will transfer media from this one to the new one.

Any recommendations?
Thank you!

Okay should have put my budget which atm would be about £70. Consider the Fluval u4. Maybe one day I will look at more expensive ones!
Hi all,

Please also take to your consideration/a look at a very reliable, yet most quiet (as for me) Eheim experience 350. No nonsense with "extender", as in Eheim Professional 4.

Kind regards,


Wysłane z mojego M2007J17G przy użyciu Tapatalka
If I remember correctly, the issue issue with the Oase Biomaster that you had was that you forgot to turn the heater off and the plastic baskets melted. If you still have the filter head and body, you could use your £70 to buy replacement baskets and a new heater. That way you’d get a very good filter for your 160l which will not suddenly stop while you’re away.