I've got a 28l tank with identical light. Mine is next to the window on 6hrs a day in a low tech tank free of algae so I wouldn't think the light is causing the diatoms but people tend to think differently.
I presume it's a new uncycled tank, possibly some ammonia floating which is why the diatoms appear but once the plants start growing fast and balance the tank the diatoms should disappear. Or since there are no fast growers, the filter needs to run it's cycle time to handle ammonia fast instead and prevent algae blooms.
As for the filter position, it's really hard with those internal filters to get a proper distribution but in a small tank like this there should be enough flow if your filter is strong enough. I use the U2 internals in small tanks and they are powerful.
I would personally put the filter back to front, possibly in the middle to give it the most equal flow distribution. You can always move it if you don't like it. I suppose external filters are best for aesthetics and flow. The black background will somewhat make the filter not so visible since the filter is black too so it may not be so bad.