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Scott p

New Member
2 Dec 2021
Hi all, Quick question I have been using Easy life ProFito fertiliser I was wondering whether there’s much point as all I really have are Cryptocoryne and Vallisneria which i know are more reliant on feeding from the roots.

Many thanks
Hi all, Quick question I have been using Easy life ProFito fertiliser I was wondering whether there’s much point as all I really have are Cryptocoryne and Vallisneria which i know are more reliant on feeding from the roots.

Many thanks
Hi @Scott p Yes, the point being that plants needs fertilizer. The plants you mention, as all plants, feeds from wherever the food is - predominantly through the leaves. I have tons of very healthy Crypts among other plants mythologically described as root-feeders (including massive Swords) and I only do water column "feeding" in both my tanks (both tanks use inert substrate as well).

Hi all, Quick question I have been using Easy life ProFito fertiliser I was wondering whether there’s much point as all I really have are Cryptocoryne and Vallisneria
Mmm, going to give you a triple barreled answer.

If the substrate you use is rich in nutrients then the above mentioned plants should be fine until it depletes said nutrients.

If your substrate is inert then water column dosing is a must.

Is there much point to using easylife profito... nah, plants need a complete fertiliser, easy life lacks nitrogen and phosphate.
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Hi @Scott p Yes, the point being that plants needs fertilizer. The plants you mention, as all plants, feeds from wherever the food is - predominantly through the leaves. I have tons of very healthy Crypts among other plants mythologically described as root-feeders (including massive Swords) and I only do water column "feeding" in both my tanks (both tanks use inert substrate as well).

Hi Michael, that’s great to know thank you I will stick with it then.
Mmm, going to give you a triple barreled answer.

If the substrate you use is rich in nutrients then the above mentioned plants should be fine until it depletes said nutrients.

If your substrate is inert then water column dosing is a must.

Is there much point to using easylife profito... nah, plants need a complete fertiliser, easy life lacks nitrogen and phosphate.
Hi John, thanks for the information.
My substrate is rish in nutrition with a sand cap. I need to look in to a different fertiliser there’s just so many.
Right on! @Scott p Go with TNC Complete or similar "complete" unless you want to roll your own mix.

Hi Michael, I have been looking the TNC Complete for sometime now thinking should I or shouldn’t I. So it’s good to know you would recommend it.
Thank you I will give it go.
There only small tanks around 80L so about 18 gallons
Hi @Scott p TNC Complete is reasonably economical for a tank of that size. Gives you everything your tank needs. Just follow the Estimative Index dosing recommend with 50% weekly water changes and you will be fine.

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