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Feedback on Forum Upgrade

Once you get used to the new one, you won't even remember how crap the old one was 😉
No truer words spoken!
I was a huge fan of the old site, it was easy to navigate and use and I was worried about the change to a new format. I'm not one for change, and had become familiar with the old forum, but I really do find this site far better now that I've used.....perhaps over used.....it. I don't even consider the old one now and really like many of the new features for ease of use. It looks great and works really well.
I haven't used the website as much as I did before the upgrade.
I'd say give it a chance and spend some time using some of the features to see what they do, just press on stuff, it seems very different but many of the same formats are here just worded differently, plus there are many more added ones too.
I use the settings that are best for my monitor to get best colour matching between PS and reality, bit of a waste of time to keep changing it all the time. 🙄
Tweaked it a little bit so hopefully not so "bright" 😉
hey paulo,

Would an alphabetical ordering on the 'online now' list be an idea? just for quicker reference of someone specifics status.
I don't know what others think? would save reading through the whole list 🙂

Would an alphabetical ordering on the 'online now' list be an idea?🙂
thanks for the suggestion, I have now changed it to alphabetical which makes more sense! 😉
I cannot believe how slow the site is.. 🙁 tried it using ie, chrome and firefox.. from home, from work, etc..
The site looks great, but too slow.. 🙁
Slow? that's the first I ear about it, its flying here!!
Well, then the issue is on my side.. this thing is slow as hell.. 🙁 hence why I have not been active as much..

Many times I get:
The following error occurred:

The server did not respond in time. Please try again
The server did not respond in time. Please try again
I have seen some mention of this error when using Chrome for various sites, the previous version of Chrome did that to me all the time on various sites, noticed a lot on ASW as well, I don't see it now, only see it at home when my connection is maxed out downloading something.
I am using chrome.
I am finding Chrome a pain in the butt recently, I am considering changing it soon to Opera, has been giving me loads of issues on various sites, including displaying images on some sites, they show up then just vanish!
For example it keeps flashing Draft Saved..
that is fine, just keeping your message in memory so that you can retrieve it using the last button on the first row of icons, there is an earlier post about that in this thread with pictures. This allows you to move between pages on a thread and reply to various posts without the need to copy and paste. (this is an addon I installed and not part of the standard package)