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FE setup problems - Wish i'd never started!


10 Mar 2009
Afternoon all. So got my tank setup, planted and co2 installed - PROBLEM

The co2 keeps popping the tube. Usually where the pipe fits onto the solenoid or needle valve. I've tried soft hose from ebay which was sold as co2 tubing and i've tried some more rigid tubing too. The rigid tubing is a better on everything.

My first co2 setup has not been a good one.

Anyone any ideas what could be going wrong?
Need a bit more info on the system you are useing mate what reg and solinoid are you useing where did you get your hose
danmil3s said:
Need a bit more info on the system you are useing mate what reg and solinoid are you useing where did you get your hose

Yeah sorry should have though of that. Its a 2kg FE with this:

Reg http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI....25555&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_4578wt_1041

Solenoid http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CO2-magnetic-...plies_Fish&hash=item20b439762d#ht_2647wt_1139

Needle Valve http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330368106779&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT

soft tube http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370218694712&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT

and the harder tube is from another co2 kit that was given to me by a friend. Not sure on the brand though.

You are using the locknuts to secure the pipes in place and the pipe is pushed on as far as it will go.


The pressure of a new FE or refilled should be showing approx. 50 bar on the gauge, line pressure with solenoid off approx. 2 -3 bar, line pressure with solenoid on approx. 1 - 2 bar - the fast the bps the lower the line pressure. I think that the reg. has been purchase will only show bottle pressure not line pressure.

Flyfisherman said:

The pressure of a new FE or refilled should be showing approx. 50 bar on the gauge, line pressure with solenoid off approx. 2 -3 bar, line pressure with solenoid on approx. 1 - 2 bar - the fast the bps the lower the line pressure. I think that the reg. has been purchase will only show bottle pressure not line pressure.


Yep thats right Paul. Shows about 50 bar.
Have you got the solenoid installed correctly the arrow is the direction the Co2 should flow?And switched on?
What order do you have the set-up?
Should be............ FE =====Regulator=====Needle Valve=====Solenoid=====Check Valve====Bubble Counter====Diffuser.
I'm not sure if those needle valves are bi-directional they may only flow one way.....?
Someone may know on here.
it sound like the regulator isn't lowering the presser enough. it shouldn't be blowing of hoses even if the stuff is backwood. there was a post a couple of weeks ago, talking about changing the out put pressure.
hogan53 said:
Have you got the solenoid installed correctly the arrow is the direction the Co2 should flow?And switched on?
What order do you have the set-up?
Should be............ FE =====Regulator=====Needle Valve=====Solenoid=====Check Valve====Bubble Counter====Diffuser.
I'm not sure if those needle valves are bi-directional they may only flow one way.....?
Someone may know on here.

I had it set up FE====Reg====Solenoid====Needle Valve====Check valve====Bubble counter==== diffuser====atomizer

I have changed it round to the way you said and ill see how that goes. Would it make thats much of a difference?
Its burst the tube again. between the reg and needle valve. barely turn the reg on. It burst just as the solenoid was going to click on. Its getting a bit annoying now.

Is there some way to adjust the reg? there doesnt look like there is too me. unless the yellow tap thing comes off.
Hi Chris
I don't think you can adjust the regulator.
I think the needle valve is in the closed position.
Switch on the solenoid first....... open the needle valve and then open the regulator valve.
Can you test the needle valve with a air pump?To see if its jammed or busted.
it sounds like the working pressure from the reg is to high. id contact the seller, maybe they will change it for you.

It would appear in this case that you get what you pay for and the reg you linked to cost £7.50. I think that's where your problem lies having read the thread through. Most of us are using regs costing 10 times that amount and some even more.

Regards, Chris.
Hi all

I have to agree with chris1004.
I have studied the regulator link in your 2nd post. This looks like the wrong type of regulator to me 🙁 .
There is no pressure adjustment on this regulator, it is effectively an on/off valve with a pressure gauge on it. This valve will adjust the flow rate, but not the pressure.
I'm not surprised your pipes are blowing off their connections, you're sticking the full cylinder pressure (50-60 bar) into them :shock:
If you scroll down to question 2 at the bottom of your regulator link, the seller states (in broken English) that this is an on/off valve and also that there is no fine adjustment on this regulator.
When you get another one, I would strongly advise that you get one with dual gauges so you can see the cylinder pressure and the outlet pressure after adjustment.
This will make your life so much easier and hopefully all your problems will go away 😀
chris1004 said:

It would appear in this case that you get what you pay for and the reg you linked to cost £7.50. I think that's where your problem lies having read the thread through. Most of us are using regs costing 10 times that amount and some even more.

Regards, Chris.

£7.50? That is very cheap. My regulator cost £148. You may find cheap JBL regulators on ebay, I just sold one for £40 and one with a JBL solenoid for £65 on UKAPS.

You do get what you paid for. Your regulator may have too much a working pressure, I think that anything above 3bar will blow your pipes as that is the pressure that the failsafe on my Dupla Armatur kicks in.