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Facebook groups/ buy/sell/swap


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Hi admins
I am setting up a group on Facebook for people to swap there offcuts/waste plants etc ..
I will also be asking businesses like APF , aquaessentials, co2 art etc to post on there too..
It's all a bit new to me but I'm giving it a try.
Am I allowed to post a link to the page here please..
Please delete if this is not allowed



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Just though I'd give it a try .. Could do with some knowledgable people on board really who knows there plants ..

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Mate, it's a great idea, I don't do face ache either but I like the fact you are thinking about your fellow hobbyist by trying to keep the plant cost of the hobby down.

There's a good bunch of people on here who I imagine a lot will follow. You only have to look at the amount of likes ukaps gets.🙂 I'm looking for a plant at the moment I have no idea what it was, I can only describe it as a brittle micro moss corral type plant, mine died and I'd like some more one day it was very green like riccia.
Mate, it's a great idea, I don't do face ache either but I like the fact you are thinking about your fellow hobbyist by trying to keep the plant cost of the hobby down.

There's a good bunch of people on here who I imagine a lot will follow. You only have to look at the amount of likes ukaps gets.🙂 I'm looking for a plant at the moment I have no idea what it was, I can only describe it as a brittle micro moss corral type plant, mine died and I'd like some more one day it was very green like riccia.

Riccardia chamedryfolia 🙂

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Riccardia chamedryfolia 🙂 thankyou mate. I found out what it was. It was mini pelia. To be fair from my description it could have been anything.😀

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Don't know what happened there but from the yellow smiling face is what I said.😀 ^^^^^