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External Filter Materials setup question


7 Jul 2024
I have an JBL CristalProfi e902 greenline
This is the WaterFlow diagram

I have an 160L aquarium, right now is in 3 weeks in drystart metod for Monte Carlo carpeting. After that i will add more plants and fish.
Is this a good setup for the filter:
On the bottom of the filter (there is a 1 cm gap for the water to come through) i have aded Ceramic rings (not Siporax)
Tray 0 - Where the water enters i have left the sponge that came with the filter which catches large particles and debris (along with the ceramic rings at the bottom), preventing them from clogging the subsequent stages
From Tray 0 (first thing that touches water) to Tray 4 (last thing that touches water)
Tray 1 - 1 - Coarse sponge, 2 - Medium sponge, 3 - fine sponge (folded in two)
Tray 2 - Sera Siporax (1000 ml/290 grams)
Tray 3 - Sera Siporax (1000 ml/290 grams)
Tray 4 - I want to put Seachem Purigen 100ml
So it goes from Mechanical - Biological - Chemical filtering

Is this setup good?
Thank you!


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Welcome to UKAPS.

No need for rings in the bottom this may hinder water movement and end up being clogged.

Tray 1 - Coarse Sponge, Medium Sponge
Tray 2 - Siporax only need 1 litre that's sufficient for 200l
Tray 3 - Fine Sponge.
Tray 4 - Purigen

You may find if you over-filter that the filter removes too many nutrients for the plants.

Just my two cents
Siporax is only as good as it is clean. It needs a really good flow through it and good maintenance. (I don’t think you can have too much media, it can only colonise so much)

If we remove the plant aspect (and their benefits) and just talk about filters, my two cents are that 20PPI/30PPI foam/sponge has 2.5 the effective surface area of any ceramic. If it were me, I would go for ........

Tray 0 - 40PPI + Foam (Mechanical)
Tray 1 - 20 PPI /30 PPI Sponge (Biomedia)
Tray 2 - 20 PPI /30 PPI Sponge (Biomedia)
Tray 3 - 20 PPI /30 PPI Sponge (Biomedia)
Tray 4 - 20 PPI /30 PPI Sponge (Biomedia)

..........and clean your mechanical filtration when the water flow drops and only clean the biomedia if a) the flow slows even with clean mechanical or b) every year at the earliest.