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Critique my hardscape Experts needed :)


11 Sep 2017
Hi Guys, This is my first attempt at a nature aquascape. So be kind.

I have 80 x 35 x 45cm Tank 125L 27.5Gal

I was thinking 2 separate planted areas with a the cliche path down the middle.

I bought 20Kg of rock blind from AG - some nice pieces some a bit smooth for my liking. But it was a blind buy.

I have not used all the rock have a few bits left. Below is what I have come up with.

My first thoughts are:

Are the rocks to big?
Are they to close to the front? - I will be adding sand to the front and the path.

All suggestions welcome

Cheers 🙂

37390652741_dd75a5097f_b.jpgIMG_5954 (2) by owenjame5, on Flickr

37360062132_c2e48b1ec9_b.jpgIMG_5955 (2) by owenjame5, on Flickr

37360062262_e377160294_b.jpgIMG_5956 (4) by owenjame5, on Flickr
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This is the very first step make up a Mock Tank, strong cardboard can be used, for the substrate a cheap sand or even "Kitty Litter" By doing that its very easy to work from the front and far safer than working in a glass tank.


Yup many thanks Keith good shout. I have loads of wood and a bag of cat litter.

Do you think I should break up the rock into smaller bits?

Do you think I should have more space at the front?

muchas gracias

Actually both, I would not even think of breaking that shaped rock front LH as it has plenty of possibilities. I would not break any up until you have made the basic layout first.

Pathway is it a Yes or No, if yes where are you going to start and finish it.
Here are plenty of pathways some are certainly better than others.

Do you think I should break up the rock into smaller bits?

NO not at the stage your at. When your happy with the majority of rock placements and you have a few spare maybe

Do you think I should have more space at the front?

Yes. ATM you have a basic wall of stone which doesn't even reach 1/3 of the way up the tanks height, imagine a few plants around it and............ may sound a bit harsh but getting the hardscape positioning in an optimal position makes a massive difference on how the tank looks and is tricky.

Doing a mock tank is definitely the way to go, with some substrate sand whatever, allows you to play with the rocks placement without damaging the tank and much easier to move the rocks and the substrate will hold the rocks in place too, sand is good too as it doesnt crush like Aquasoil (AS) or stick to the rocks as easy and easily brushed off with a small paint brush.

Take your time with with rock placement took me weeks with the help of Keith and others they was able to give ideas which helped me a lot to get my hardscape where its at. But its you that needs to be happy with it and you doing the work.

the piece on the right, looks quite interesting and may look good standing vertical leaning back a bit looks like it might even reach 2/3 the way up the height of the tank.

Looking at pics to scape is hard need to touch feel the rocks looking at them from all angles and how they all work together in a substrate at different heights, which is why a mock tank is well worth the effort IMO

As you and many others know its something I believe in very strongly. The Mock Tank is a smaller yet full size of Architectural landscaping/design and planning it was some thing I was doing close to 50 years. I have another step first where possible I rough sketch either to scale or full size.

One little tip which is practically impossible for beginners to do when you think you have it all OK forget about it for several days then come back I guarantee you will see faults every where.

I was helping an Aquascaper recently and a few points just did not seem right after several weeks it all clicked in and now the Aquascaper is extremely happy and that makes me feel like a job well done.

That Aquascaper in a few years time will be not could be but will be a high ranking in the Aquascaping Awards.

Aquasoil path with carpet or sand? That is the question.

What are the pros and cons of both?