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ernesto’s occasional aquarium diary


2 Aug 2022
Hi folks, dear forum,

off at the mexican pacific for a couple of days, and forgot to take a book with me.
So now is the ideal time to cleanup the cellphone, sort out pics, recapitulate the past months, and share some of the moments.
Jan 22
Track of the month: "get rid of the lid"
Bought an Eheim rgb led on sale, a small pack of seyru, and a red root. Sister brings over 10 red shrimps, snails, one anubias, a hygrophila and a handfull valisneria. No concept so far.
Feb 22
Tank seems in balance. Twelve senior paracheion innesi move over from my sister. Tropicas social media propaganda bears fruit, i buy a large bottle Specialised and start the next quest. Add a cup of HC (complete chunk in one piece ofc, beginnerstyle), and a ludwigia. 63606CFD-79C7-4F85-BE8A-49A1D09BF227.jpeg
March 22
Plants grow in. Stock seems ok, shrimps multiply. Internal Filter runs reliable, but optics suck. Slight rearrangements of plants. Wife dont like spiderwood, so fetch a piece of driftwood from ebay, plus a used CO2 Kit.
April 22, I
Tank three months old. Read alot about algae, wonder why there arent any... then find a new guest, sitting thriving inbetween moss and hairgrass. Cladophora. Doesnt look ugly, but smells like thrownout mushroom soup🙂 Water nevertheless clear, optically in good condition. Some go panic, some not.
I am happy, Yea! finnaly a good reason to go for the second tank, a nice optiwhite Eheim 90p, an external Eheim 4+ filter, 2 bags of Tropica Soil, and a Chihiros A801 from a guy in Poland.
April 22, II
Broad research, wether to take over the stuff from the infected tank, or not. Decision, No. Gazillion Ideas for the new tank. After extensive exclusion process- stick to a southamerican, swordplant dominated concept by Filipe Oliveira. Joven rly seems nice guy. Pray for him, hes got shitty cancer. Boil stones and bake driftwood in the oven from the infected tank, and throw in. Forget Fasten seatbelt. Pour water. Let wood and weed float up 🙂
May 22, I
90p now four weeks old. Plants seem to thrive. Starting the Tropica fert and cycle regime as recommended. Add some fastgrowers from sister. Get a pre-birthday present from senorita, a metalpipe set, yea. Get hold of a Twinstar Nano in sale. The Eheim cleartank has a nice depth of 50cm. So push the Chihiros to the back, and add the Eheim RGB in front. 7h/d, no ramp. The stock in the cladophora tank must move over. Start a painstaking separation process over three days, teh old tetras, 50+shrimp, a horde of espei, plus Anton the Acistrus, Senoritas darling. (i fear he likes swords, so i ask permission for a third tank🙂)
June 22, I
Return from the riviera. New species on the stage. Two weeks daily double time with the teethbrush, a couple of waterchanges, reduce light to 6 hours, the Chihiros only, the Eheim RGB off.
July 22
Aquarium almost algae free, overall growth. Only the nymphea doesnt like something, leafs die, get transparent and holes. Roll the dice and start dosing extra K, additional to T. Specialised.
August 22
No dramatic events. Echinodorus rising. Air and Water Temperature rise also, above 28° C. Its not the climate change, baby…With covid on the sofa, body temp nearly 40°
Sept 22, I
2 weeks cov on the sofa. staring into the tank. Feverish plans arise. How to proceed with the smaller tank. What will happen in winter, with open tank and lower room temperature? How will the soil behave? Dive into RO? New quest: a new setup in the 80p, unheated, sand only, serving as winter camp for the high echinodorus, so the heated 90p can be closed with a glass lid. For faster covid recovery, and so the Chihiros A801 can go for the envisioned winter tank, senorita donates a Chihiros WRGB Pro (advantageously ordered@ the budapest boys).
Sept 22, II
Clean and Prepare the 80p with 5 lava rocks and sand. Put a cup of mini eleocharis, this time divided in 6 pieces, and juncus repens, plus lilaeopsis, helanthium and some stem cuttings from the other tank. Two weeks ahead, the A801 stops its service....well, the early autumn sun through the window is still quite bright. Lets wait and see.
Oct 22
A three week Mexico trip in November wants to be prepared. Keep calm. How handle the aquariums? Impatience is not the best quality for the hobby. Anyway, the echinodorus palifolius shall move immediately… It was a full day operation, an aquasoil trench warfare in the 90p. Omg, all the mess, only to enable a new glass lid^^ Planting the swords in the sand tank and adding 8 root caps is done in a minute.