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ello from the biffster in the northeast


28 Apr 2010
northeast uk
hi i joined a while ago but don't know whether i introduced
myself then any how i was told about this place by gill
i used to be on a few other forums but i am now in
partnership with a mate of mine in a forum but i am
still very interested in planted tanks but just thought
i would see how things were going as i have not been
on for a long time

all the best for the new year
welcome fellow north easterner, i also just introduced myself after a year of lurking and quietly soaking up knowledge

hello bez i have been keeping fish for forty one
years this year and i am only 48 this year i know
sounds strange got my first tank when i was seven
and have been hooked ever since i never cease
to be amazed were about in the northeast are you
im near darlington, small town called newton aycliffe - yeah ive had fish since i was about 10 myself (37 now), my folks were fish nuts and we had tanks all over the house, i got outa the hobby for a few years but since getting back into it and starting on the planted side of the hobby im more hooked than ever. ive just ordered a juwel rio 400 as my next planted project, im still undecided which substrate to go for, my current main tank and a few lower tech setups i have are using flourite black sand and im getting great results but ive got a tank that i setup using moler clay and apart from the colour which im not to happy about the plants are loving it......im considering ada amazonia dark after speaking to mark evans
i to are near darlington a small village called hurworth place
i am just really going back into it again i am going the planted rout
as well but i am using home made co2 which seems to be working
OK so far i am using sand in one of my tanks and cat litter in the
other other tanks i am going to set away i am looking at aquatic
compost in one and sharp sand in the other which is just ungraded
river sand
yeah man the moler clay i used is tesco cat litter, the only downside i found with it once i got the perfume rinsed out was the orangey/pink colour. i run pressurised co2 as im a bit wary of the diy which i know can give very unstable co2 levels which can give bad BBA outbreaks, before i went pressurised (place on aycliffe industrial estate that does teh 4.5kg refills for £12) i used liquid carbon dosed daily which gave pretty good results, just can get a bit pricey. i know a few guys who use dirt/compost under sand cap but im not really a big fan myself, kinda worries me a bit adding all that composted organic material, youll have to let me know how it works for you.

http://www.youtube.com/user/mbezik link to my youtube
i use a home made bubble counter and keep it to
one bubble per second my pH is around 6.5 to 7
if your lights are good you should be OK with home made
co2 however when i first put the litter in the tank it was
a bit cloudy but now its OK and i did get very high nitrate
readings which all seems to of settled down now after some
major water changing i have some BBA but it came in on some
plants that i got i will keep an eye on but if there isn't the nutrients for it
.it will soon die back i am going to buy myself a drop checker next week
some time but its finding one i don't buy off the net then again its getting
the stuff to set it up as well
i find aqua essentials a good place for things like drop checkers and dkh solution, i had a timer malfunction the other week and killed all my filter feeding shrimp in one night, damn timer didnt turn off the solenoid valve and it only took one night of constant co2 to take my level into the danger zone, luckily no fish died but they were close to death. all my cameroon blue shrimp and bamboo were dead on the substrate, luckily the japonica shrimps survived. when i first went pressurised co2 i had the most crazy bba outbreak ever, caused by the slow dialing in of the co2, in the end i removed all hardscape and pipework/heater etc and scrubbed everything clean, then i painted raw flourish excel onto it and fingers crossed its been good since.
hello and thanks for the great :text-welcomewave: i have been
a member for a while but never got around to saying hello
i was told about Ukaps.org by gill i met him on another forum
but he told me about this one i have been looking about
as i like planted tanks and some of the ones i have seen
on here are amazing
" i am now in
partnership with a mate of mine in a forum but i am
still very interested in planted tanks"

Do you mean you have your own forum or have I mis-red this?

no its right i have my own forum in the northeast
and local to teeside
doobiw55 said:
" i am now in
partnership with a mate of mine in a forum but i am
still very interested in planted tanks"

Do you mean you have your own forum or have I mis-red this?


do hope i havent done anything wrong like ????
i was a member here before i got my own forum
If your going to plug another forum don't post it as public message you may find your in breach of this forums terms of use if you want to share that information i suggest you keep it off this forum

E.g Private Email

Only say this because it not far on the hard work the UKAPS do to provide us this free service and they may see as spam or see you as hijacking traffic

I may be wrong on this but if this was my forum i wouldn't want anyone advertise there forum here

Thanks SC