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ei solution and ascorbic acid

20 Oct 2014
I am using ei solutions (500ml); each batch lasts 2 weeks. Is it necessary to add ascorbic acid (preservative) in the solutions for the mold/antioxidant?

What would the effect be if I don't?

Why are you adding it unless you are dosing an all in one which keeps the Fe chelated and stops it reacting with phosphate l.
Thanks for the reply.
Its two solutions (1. Micro, 2. Macro) dosed on alternative days with diy pumps. i am noy adding any ascorbic acid at the moment but i am wondering if I should be adding any.
unless they are all in one diy then no need to add.
Actually your micro powder will contain ascorbic acid to keep pH low thus keeping it chelated and act as a preservative. No need to add more.
Actually your micro powder will contain ascorbic acid to keep pH low thus keeping it chelated and act as a preservative. No need to add more.
really? didn't know that. I've always added more when making DIY all in ones as per Jame's recipe I still use after all these years....