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Ei Dosing - Doubling Up


10 May 2015
So just to clarify, after reading Ceg's excellent article I am a little confused about the 3 times a week dosing.

Say I am aiming for 3ppm NO3 per day.
If I was dosing Tues, Wed, Thurs - would I add 6ppm on each day to cater for the off day?
(And would this apply to all the ferts, micro and macro?)
Hi Enjoy

EI is not about fix values. Just use the dosing more or less recommended for your tank size. You can even begin dosing half the dose and observe for 10 days how it works, and then increase or decrease according to your preferences, kind of stocking, etc. The point is to give your plants enough nutrients to grow with the light and co2 level provided. There are recommendations that usually go along with the EI method: 1) the total weekly dose should be split. 2) Additionally macros and micros should not be dosed the same day to avoid interaction between them... and the easiest way to meet both things is dosing macros every other day (i.e Mon, Wed, Fri) and micros on alternate days (i.e. Tue, Thur, Sat), or whatever other similar option. And 3) water changes to reboot the system and clean from organics. Do combine all this as you prefer, and see how it works for you.

You will see in this forum, that a lot of people adapt this principle (enough nutrients for the light and Co2 provided) in different ways. It is useful to stick with one method and then with some experience move to what you prefer.
