NPK (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium) Mixture for 20 Gallon Tank
1 month = 4 Weeks
3 doses of NPK per week
Therefore there are 12 doses of NPK per month
Multiply a single dose teaspoon value by 12 => [3/16 tsp KNO3]*12 = 2 ¼ tsp KNO3
[1/16 tsp KH2PO4]*12 = ¾ tsp KH2PO4
[1/2 tsp MgSO4]*12 = 6 tsp MgSO4
Add these to 600ml of tap or distilled water
Now this mixture must serve 12 doses so each dose is 600ml/12 = 50ml
This makes life easier because you need only dose 50ml of this NPK solution 3 times per week.
I understand the above and want to do it for my dosing scheme but the salts i have are mono-potassium phosphate and potassium nitrate as well as the trace elements mix, all from AE, i have no magnesium sulfate. I like the idea of having them all in one bottle and just using the syringe once to dose them all. secondly my tank is 63 litre's before displacement.
how much of each salt should i put into 600ml of water and does it need to be RO or regular tapwater??
sorry for the onslaught of questions but i really want to get it all right this time, my new-year resolution, stop mucking about with my planted tank
