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EI dosing amounts


24 May 2009
Meath, Ireland
NPK (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potassium) Mixture for 20 Gallon Tank
1 month = 4 Weeks
3 doses of NPK per week
Therefore there are 12 doses of NPK per month
Multiply a single dose teaspoon value by 12 => [3/16 tsp KNO3]*12 = 2 ¼ tsp KNO3
[1/16 tsp KH2PO4]*12 = ¾ tsp KH2PO4
[1/2 tsp MgSO4]*12 = 6 tsp MgSO4
Add these to 600ml of tap or distilled water

Now this mixture must serve 12 doses so each dose is 600ml/12 = 50ml
This makes life easier because you need only dose 50ml of this NPK solution 3 times per week.

I understand the above and want to do it for my dosing scheme but the salts i have are mono-potassium phosphate and potassium nitrate as well as the trace elements mix, all from AE, i have no magnesium sulfate. I like the idea of having them all in one bottle and just using the syringe once to dose them all. secondly my tank is 63 litre's before displacement.
how much of each salt should i put into 600ml of water and does it need to be RO or regular tapwater??

sorry for the onslaught of questions but i really want to get it all right this time, my new-year resolution, stop mucking about with my planted tank :lol: :lol:

so will i keep the trace in a seperate bottle? well could you tell me in both? i don't know how much is a teaspoon, i know we've got three different types of teaspoon here and they're all different sizes..... and there's also a possibility my chemistry teacher will let me use one of the digital scales out of school.. 😀 :shifty:
Hi padlock
padlock said:
i don't know how much is a teaspoon,
I have seen a table somewhere that gave specific grams per teaspoon of the various powders you have, but I can't find it just now. But if you allowed 6 grams per teaspoon you will not be far out 😀

You can work it out from this dosing calculator, which is from James's planted tank website, very usefull article.


Or here on Chuck's planted aquarium page where % makup levels and teaspoon - gram conversions are also given.


Its worth noting that they don't tie up exactly (not sure why or which one is right) but as only a ball park figure is required its not that important.

Regards, Chris.
There is a conversion from spoon measure to gram on aquatic plant central under the fertilator tool. Different salt measured differently when weight with spoon and scale.
padlock said:
but seeing as the different teaspoons are all different sizes then which one is the 6 grams??

Don't worry about it to much as long as you use the same teaspoon or measure each time yourself. Thing is there is a wide margin for error with ferts and you will more than likely have to tweak the standard starting solution to suit your tank anyway as time goes on. I personally use the plastic cooking measuring spoons which you can buy as a set from most supermarkets for under a quid. I really wouldn't bother with the grief of weighing out the ferts it simply isn't necessary and just adds a level of complication that you can do without.

Regards, Chris.
Yep there almost identical to the ones that I use but mine were 50p from Asda.

Regards, Chris.
so if i just use the same amount on the same spoon the whole time then i shoulod be ok? so how many teaspons of the three should i use as my base? i've decided to use 500 ml as the amount of water and have the two NPK in one bottle with the trace seperate, how many teaspoons should i use?

Thanks, paul
While your in there don't forget jugs @ 30p, buckets @ £1, hosepipe for water changing @ £1.99 for 20M, sodium bicarbonate @ 50p a large pot and a sieve for cleaning gravel @ 50p. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Regards, Chris.
Hi all, Chris has just pointed this out to me:

aaronnorth said:
This is for 60litres:
KNO3 - 1.5tsp > 500ml & dose 40ml
KH2PO4 - 1/10tsp > 500ml & dose 40ml
Trace - 1tsp > 500ml & dose 40ml

All 3 times per week.
Hi Aaron
Just a quick query mate.
Just when I thought I had my head around the EI calculations, I saw your post above and now I'm doubting my own maths :lol:.
Whilst my maths makes the 1.5 tsp KNO3 about right for a 60l, using Clive's tutorial, the KH2PO4 is 1/3 of the KNO3 values, so I make it that the KH2PO4 should be about 1/2 teaspoon.
1/3 of 1.5 = 0.5 :? :lol:
Have you learnt something along the way, or have I just messed up my calculations.

I'm not sure :? :?
I went off my EI dosing and may have mucked it up somehow lol, here's mine,

1tsp > 500ml & dose 40ml per 240l

60l tank (4x smaller), so therefore 1tsp/ 4 = 1/4tsp KH2PO4

And according to James' calculator that would add 1.5ppm PO4 per dose.

I should have realised that 1/10th was a bit too small 🙄 😳
Clives tutorial is leaner than other versions out there.

Thanks, Aaron

Thanks :thumbup:
so its 1 and a half for N, 1 quarter fpr P and 1 for trace? all in 500 ml bottles and 40ml dosed 3x weekly??
just to get it right 🙂
Hello everyone, I'm new here, this is my first post! :wave:
I see that you are very expertise about EI dosing. I have one question. I newer saw that someone mention number of plants in aquarium. If you have heavy planted aquarium, with fast growing plants (like riccia fluitans,hemianthus micranthemoides,pogostemon stelleta .. ) and 5 watts per gallon of lighting, can the uptake rate be bigger than 4ppm of nitrates per day (24h)?
master_suprime said:
Hello everyone, I'm new here, this is my first post! :wave:
I see that you are very expertise about EI dosing. I have one question. I newer saw that someone mention number of plants in aquarium. If you have heavy planted aquarium, with fast growing plants (like riccia fluitans,hemianthus micranthemoides,pogostemon stelleta .. ) and 5 watts per gallon of lighting, can the uptake rate be bigger than 4ppm of nitrates per day (24h)?

Hi & welcome 🙂

EI was calculated using a tank with about 6WPG T5 & unlimiting CO2 (no fish were used) to get the maximum uptake values, so you shouldn't need to worry.
However some people still add more, and go with 2x dosing if necassary, people are finding the PO4 a bit lean but ceg4048's tutorial on here is leaner on the PO4 dosing than others I have seen