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EI and UV


15 May 2015
Just reading through the massive EI thread and there is a mention of not to use UV when dosing EI. I have my EI dosing done via pump, i also as one of my filters have a APS 2000EX which has a UV filter built in, should i switch this off??
cool, thanks, you read so many contradicting statements at times, its hard for a newbie like me to keep up 🙂
I have that filter and never had any issue with the plants and use EI in that tank, too much light was more of a problem for me
UV will degrade the chelating agent in the micro solution thus possibly precipitating out the iron making it unavailable to the plants. So turn UV off for 24 hours after dosing micro.

On the other hand you are using the UV in an APS filter which has been shown to be a great marketing point and will have no effect at all on the micro as flow is far to great for UV to do anything useful, so not an issue on your case. Obviously if using proper UV it must be turned off.