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EI and first week water changes


19 Jul 2014
Doing my initial setup tomorrow, so I know that I need to change 50% of my water daily for the first week. Do I flood the tank tomorrow, dose macro, change 50% the next day, dose micro, repeat through the week?
But they can't be dosed together without causing other issues as far as I have read?
Precipitation? or what are you thinking??? I'm lazy so I just dose Tropica :sorry:😎 then dump in the KH (potassium bicarbonate - as tap water is very soft)

If you're starting with 1,2-Grow, Tropica suggests half dosing ferts for the first few weeks (remember I'm lazy so I only dose when I remember ... I'm rewarded with not so rapid plant growth but also not much algae so not much motivation to tackle the laziness issue 😉)
I was thinking precipitation if they were dosed same day.

I have an Anubis, a microsorum and an echinodorus, the rest are in vitro caps.

If someone could advise on dosing for the first week it would be appreciated, I'm setting up today.
Brand new, just flooded! Will start a journal later. Have seen the all in one mentioned before but was planning on using two dosing pumps to alternate, it's just this first week with the daily changes I'm a bit unsure about.