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eheim spare parts?


21 Aug 2008
hi, just went to hook up my 2026 and the damned thing pi$$ed water all over the floor 🙄 . Anyone know how to get hold of the O-Ring for the primer mechanism? It's not on the spare parts list so I don't know if they are possible to get. I hate ebay... 😡 Nobody got a spare one just lying around? 😉
Get in touch with the Ehiem Supplier (I believe it is still John Allen Aquariums) or contact them via the website. IME they are excellent at sending replacements ASAP.
That's what happened on my 2224, the top seal has gone. Vasaline wouldn't seal it either. The local shop wanted £30 for it plus what ever the postage would be on top. I got a ex12000 instead but I'd be interested as I could use the 2224 on a nano.
Eheims don't break, ask the Eheim fanclub who belittle every other brand 😉

Hope you get it sorted t4u. Not nice when that sort of thing happens.

I remember when my Tetratec was leaking all the time it was really frustrating but then Tetratec just sent me the large O ring and the hose connector assembly with it for no charge!!! Thats service for you.


They do many spares at ok prices. I have ordered in the past and there quick and helpful.
Hi, the trouble is that the part I want isn't considered a "user serviceable part" as you have to take the primimg assembly apart to access it which voids any warranty. However, after trawling the 'net for a while, I came across an American website (New Jersey Aquatic something or other) which had a link to http://www.atomicrice.com which makes the O Rings! They do all the O rings so they're worth a look. $10 for 1 o ring tho... 🙄. Better than £100 for a new priming assembly/pump head 😀