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eheim classic or tmc v2 powerbox?

I'd say given the positive things you hear on forums I'd go with the classic. They go trouble free for Years and years and parts are always available for them. I've heard of people running one for over 5 years with no problems. It's down to personal choice I think. Plus what flow your needing and ease of use

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i was leaning more towards the ehiem, i just need to know now if it runs quietly as its in my bedroom. thanks for the input alastair :thumbup:
I've got the 2213 and 2 2217's and I've been very happy with them on the whole. Individually each one is pretty quiet - I can barely hear the smaller one, the larger ones have a low hum. The only times they've been noisy are when I haven't primed them properly and there was air trapped inside.

cheers viv im gonna get the 2217, more flow the better